Chapter 5

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Before you start reading...

I'm not really sure what the process for becoming a Dai Li agent is. So I made some assumptions in this chapter. I assumed that it's something that you choose to do and that you don't have to be trained since you're a child. I also decided that women can be a part of the Dai Li, which I'm not sure is true. So just roll with it... :)


Tenzin knew Lin was in good shape, but he had no idea how fast she could run, until he tried to catch up to her. The both of them were running through the halls trying to find the stables and it seemed kind of petty to use his bending to get the lead. When they finally arrived they were met with the angry stare of their new team leader.

"The sun is up." Azula said, annoyed. When she told them to be there at dawn, she meant exactly at dawn.

"We know. We're sorry." Tenzin said. At that moment Su came running through the door.

"You could have waited for me!" she wined.

"Why are you even here?" Lin snapped at her. Then Kya showed up at the door too.

"Good." Tenzin said, "It's her fault, anyway."

"What did I do?" Kya asked, "I helped you all get ready."

"You slowed us down!" Lin said.

Azula just watched as they all bickered, until she finally said: "Enough."

She didn't yell it, but it quieted the room fairly quickly.

"One at a time." she continued, "The little one. Suyin. Explain."

"Kya remembered all the Dai Li have braids, so we wanted to make Lin one so she's fit in. And she can't even say thank you!"

"We are late because the two of them insisted I wash my hair before. They made a big deal out of it instead of just tying my hair." Lin explained, "Tenzin didn't do anything, he just waited for me. Don't be mad at him."

"I'm not going to be mad at anyone," Azula said, "Just try to be punctual and follow the orders I give you. If you can't we might get captured, or worse..."

Tenzin really didn't want to think about the or worse part of that sentence. He nodded and walked to Oogi to prepare him for the journey. He already said goodbye to Bumi, so all that was left was giving Kya a going-away hug and he was ready to go.

"Don't get lost and don't wonder around on your own. Don't take anything that isn't yours. Don't touch anything that isn't yours..." Lin talked like she was reading from an imaginary list in her mind.

"I won't." A list called Everything fun there is to do around here...

"... Don't skip your lunch. Candy isn't lunch. And don't –"

"I'll be good. I'll be with Bumi to whole day!" Su interrupted her.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Lin stood there, quietly now, wondering if she should hug her sister goodbye. Their mom damn sure never did that. And Su probably wouldn't even let her hug her after the fight they had this morning.

"Bye, kid." she finally said and lifted herself up to the saddle.

The ride to Ba Sing Se wasn't that long, but it was beyond awkward. Tenzin and Lin were still adjusting to even sitting in their Dai Li uniforms. Tenzin was constantly trying not to lose his hat, so he steered Oogi with only one hand, all the while Lin was trying to make casual conversation with Azula. It didn't take them long to go over Azula's plan, even though she still didn't tell them what exactly they were retrieving. They spent most of the trip in silence.

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