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It had only taken them two days to find an actual house they could buy. It wasn't a huge house, but it wasn't small either. It had five bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, a kitchen, a small dining room, a living room, a family room, and an attic. Of course, they were going to turn the attic into another bedroom, because they really needed to. All they were doing right now was waiting for the paperwork to go through. 

"Wait, so you're saying you stayed with this group of heroes called the Avengers, and didn't tell them you were heroes as well?" Bruce raised an eyebrow. "I feel like I owe them an apology." 

"Well, that would be a perfect excuse to visit." Dick smiled. "And we could watch Tony's expression as three red-heads and a blonde walk in too." 

"If only we'd been able to take Duke and Cas," Stephanie smirked, resting an elbow on Dick's head, who shoved it off and gave her an accusatory glance. 

"Well, I guess we're going to be visiting some of your friends then," Bruce smiled, sending a wink towards Alfred. 

When they arrived, the very same secretary was about to shoo them away again, but froze when she saw Damian, Jason, Tim, and Dick, and just sighed. "You know where to go. I'll alert Mr. Stark of your presence." She shook her head. 

"Thank you," Bruce smiled politely, and the woman just shook her head, grabbing the phone as she started working on some paperwork. Everyone shrugged, walking towards the elevator. 

Once they got to the top, Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, and Bruce Banner were waiting at the top. They were expecting the four boys, and maybe one or two extra people, but to have an entire small group just suddenly walk into their house? Their faces were priceless. 

"How many of you are there?" Tony cried out, looking at all of the new faces in pure horror. 

"That's Wally, that's Roy, Stephanie, Barbara, Alfred, and Bruce." Tim pointed everyone out. 

"Yes, thank you for the introductions, Master Tim." Alfred sarcastically replied raising an eyebrow at the blushing ebony. 

"I'm hungry," Wally complained. 

"Wally, you're always hungry." Dick rolled his eyes.

"Well, I could always direct you to the kitchen," Steve offered. Everyone except Wally simultaneously shouted "No!" 

Steve will never know why. 

"I mostly just came here to give an apology for whatever horrible things my children may have subjected you to." Bruce held out a hand to Tony, who skeptically shook it. 

"Actually, they weren't that bad," Clint shrugged. 

"Really?" Bruce blinked. "There weren't any fires? Broken bones? Nobody jumped off the roof?" That last one was mostly directed at Dick. 

"Uh... no." Steve frowned. 

"Jason dislocated my wrist," Damian supplied. 

"So that's what you needed saran wrap and duct tape for!" Tony shouted, giving the look of triumph, even if he didn't entirely solve the puzzle. 

"Wait, what? How come you never told me?" Steve gave Damian a hurt look. 

"I presume it's a family tradition to not tell people when they are injured." Alfred gave a look at Bruce. 

"Oh come on Alfred! It was three broken ribs!" Bruce complained. Alfred raised his eyebrow. "Okay, and that other time when my ankle was dislocated." Another sharper look from Alfred. "And about twelve stab wounds I tried to pretend weren't there." Alfred gave an approving nod. 

"How do you get hurt so much?" Nat narrowed her eyes. 

"He does a martial arts class." Jason shrugged. 

"How do you get stabbed at a martial arts class?" Tony glanced over at Bruce. 

"I live in Gotham. I get mugged sometimes." Bruce shrugged.

"Twelve stab wounds?" Clint furrowed his brow. 

"Gotham is a dangerous place." Bruce glanced over at Alfred for help. 

"Can we just stop talking about stab wounds already?" Dick pleaded before anything could escalate. Everyone nodded in agreement, though the Avengers still seemed a bit uncertain. 

"Yes, I believe a change in subject is due." Alfred smiled, glancing at each Avenger individually. Bruce was silently studying them as well, and Jason was worried that Nat would catch onto him. 

"Okay, well, I guess the apology's over then, let's get going before-" Jason was cut off as Damian whined. 

"Todd~! We just arrived! Pennyworth, tell Todd it's rude to leave five minutes after arriving!" Damian crossed his arms in protest. 

"How about me and "Todd" go and do something else, and you guys can stay here instead." Roy smirked, mimicking Damian's stance. 

"Don't get snarky with me, Harper." Damian warned, but before much else could be said Wally chimed in. 

"I think that's a great idea. Hey, Dick! We haven't gotten to hang out in forever either." Before any of them knew it, the only ones left in the tower were Steve, Tony, Nat, Bruce, Alfred, and Damian. 

"So... what now?" Steve asked, glancing between them. 

"We should have duel!" Damian smirked, glancing at Bruce with a knowing smirk. 

"Damian, I'm not so sure that's a good idea-" Bruce began, glancing towards Alfred. 

"Yeah, it'd be completely unfair." Tony grinned, leaning against a wall. 

"Exactly." Bruce crossed his arms, completely missing the fact that Tony was referring to himself. 

"I'd bet you could beat Natasha." Damian gave the ever so slight ghost of a smile. Nat raised an eyebrow, glancing at Bruce then back towards Damian. 

"Oh this I've got to see," Tony's grin got larger as he looked between them. 

"Damian, I know all young boys think their dads are invincible, but-" Steve began, but Bruce's next words surprised him. 

"Alright." Bruce looked Nat up and down. "I challenge you to a duel, then." 

"Oh boy," Steve muttered. 


HEY! So, school starts tomorrow, but I absolutely had to get this published before it started, so enjoy this! (You all know what's coming next) Sorry it's so short, but I really wanted to get this published. Okay, I have to go now, but enjoy!!!!!!

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