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The four days went by quickly. The four brothers had said their goodbyes to the Avengers, but it was time for them to go home. So they were now sitting together in the same alley they had all came together in. Jason gave Damian his device, but frowned when he saw his own. 

"Uh, guys? I think I accidentally shot it." Jason held up his teleport thingy into the air, and there was a bullet hole in the middle of it. Dick's eyes widened, and he immediately grabbed Damian and Tim's, smashing the remaining three on the ground. 

"If one of us is stuck here for the rest of eternity, we're all stuck here for the rest of eternity." Dick declared. 

"Dick, you idiot!" Tim stared at the ground where there ticket home was currently smashed into oblivion. "Us three could have gone home, one of us grab an extra one for Jason, then come back here and grab him! Now we really are all stuck here!" 

"Oh..." Dick frowned, suddenly realizing the mistake he'd made. "What are we going to do now then?" 

"We could go back to the Avengers?" Damian suggested. 

"Nah, better have them just believe we're back home then explain that we missed our plane or something. Remember, Tony's a billionaire too, he'd more than likely offer to fly us over in a private jet or something." Tim frowned. 

"Don't worry, Dami, we can probably visit Steve sometime, we'll just tell him that we flew over for the weekend or something, okay?" Dick smiled, patting Damian on the back. 

"Or we could just tell them we got banned from the airport," Jason shrugged. "I mean, we really have been banned from an airport, it's not that big of a lie." 

"Did I not mention the private jet?" Tim frowned, rolling his eyes. 

"Fine, but what are we going to do in the meantime?" Dick frowned, glancing between all of his brother's faces. 

"Hey, you caused this mess, you come up with a plan to fix it." Jason crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. 

"You broke yours first!" Dick complained, a small frown on his face. Jason raised an eyebrow, glanced down at the other three devices broken on the ground, then looked back up at him without a word. "Alright, what if we get an apartment or something?" 

"We literally don't exist, how are we going to get an apartment? They wouldn't be able to find anything on us." Tim raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm legally dead and I get apartments all the time." Jason supplied. 

"Okay, but still, do we even have enough for down payment? I mean, we brought some extra cash, but not that much extra cash." Tim pointed to the duffel bags. 

"We could get jobs," Dick suggested. 

"Okay, so that's under the same problem as my first argument about how we're going to get an apartment." Tim sighed. 

"I'll bet I can find a guy who'll make us some fake I.D.'s and stuff," Jason smirked. "We could even make you eighteen, Timmy." 

"What about Damian?" Dick cast a glance to the youngest of the brothers. "I don't want to just leave him by himself forever." 

"I could volunteer at one of those pet shelters they have. It would be an adequate use of my time," Damian suggested. 

"If you're up for it..." Dick sighed. "Don't feel obligated to, though, alright Dami?" 

"I do not feel obligated to do any such activities, Grayson." Damian rolled his eyes. 

"You're going to be a cop, aren't you Dick." Jason smirked. 

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