transparency is fun

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Heres a lil doodle of (again my interpretation) of the readers squip from GMD, the fic im helping to write

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Heres a lil doodle of (again my interpretation) of the readers squip from GMD, the fic im helping to write. I have this headcanon that all squips are different colors, so this one, is Violet. (I literally call him Violet) So I made this lil Icon looking thing. But uh, the transparency is a lil weird on wattpad. But still, it looks good.

I dont this book that often, but I try to do it as often as I can. It's difficult though with irl stuff getting bled into my drawing time.  But I had time to draw this, and I'm.... actually kinda proud of it! WHOOP WHOOP. YEET. ALL THAT SHIZ. 

Anyway I guess that's this thing done. I'll try to post another one later or tomorrow afternoon. IDK when, or if, its gunna happen.

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