-Part 8-

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Yeah, this shit way too formal, y'all know I don't follow suit- Travis Scott- SICKO MODE

"So you're telling me you don't know the address of this place?"

"It's not my fault no one gave me the address, I just know how to get there" he sighed as he leaned back against his seat, running his hand through his hair he sat up and started the car

"Fine, lead the way" he looked at me waiting for me to say something. I nodded.

"Um from here you have to drive straight for about an hour or two depending on the traffic" I told him, he nodded and drove down a long street, a few cars in view

"Are you sure?" He mumbled, I rolled my eyes and gave him a nasty look

"Yes I'm sure now speed it up we don't have all day" I snapped

After a while of silence he sighed

"Listen I just want you to know that I'm here for you, I know we haven't known each right for long but I've known your father for years and I promised, I gave my word that if anything like this happens I'd give my life for you, I may not be the loveliest guy you've ever met but lovely isn't what I'm striving for here, so bare with me, I promised I'd get you out this mess and I'm gonna keep it" his head turned to me before back in the road with a sigh

"Why did my dad chose you?" I mumbled looking out the window and at the cloudy sky

A moment of silence took over us

"I don't know" he bit his lip as I nodded

"Just so you know I don't hate you, I just don't like you but thank you" I mumbled not daring to look into his eyes

After that he drove for about an hour, the faint noise of the radio playing and his humming was heard, I dozed off a couple times but woke up just to make sure he was coming the right way

"On that next stop light turn right" I mumbled, he hummed and did as told

"At the end of the street their will be a yellow house I believe so turn left and right after that turn turn right because it's a tricky street" he stayed silent but followed the directions

"Now once you see a big tree start slowing down, the house will be hidden in an alley, you'll have to park out here and we'll have to walk the rest of the way" he mumbled something under his breath but parked about a block away

"Why so far?" I ask frowning

"It's a black SUV and if I park outside of a dark alley in a neighborhood like this then there will be cops waiting for us out here" he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out, I grabbed my phone and opened the door just before he was about to

We slowly and casually made our way to the alley

"Have been here in a long time, it looks so different" I mumbled, he turned to me before putting his arm over my shoulder

I didn't question is as we walked side by side and into the alley, a few trash cans in there but we made it to her small house, her other house, I sighed and walked up the porch with Harry behind me

I inspected the area before kneeling down and under a flower pot there laid a silver key, it was rusty.

Slowly I opened the door and walked in the empty house dusty and old as if no one had been inside there for years

"I'm assuming she didn't come here often" he spoke as he looked around with a frown

"Let's just hurry and get out" I mumbled and took him to her room and into her closet

"Ah this place is exactly as I remember it" I smiled and kneeled down inspecting the closet floor

"Where are the bags she told us about?" He looked around

I moved an empty hamper out the way and looked down at the crack between the wooden floors panels, with a loud creek I managed to break it open and right there sat two big duffle bags.

"Bingo" I mumbled and reached down and grabbed both

A note sticking to one of them addressing it to Harry, I handed the bag and the note to him and I kept the other bag, making sure to poor the wooden panels back in place along with the empty hamper.

I walked towards her bed as did Harry as he read the notes containing the instructions, I opened my bag and sure as hell there was plenty of cash, a few grand atleast, a note, and two smaller bags.

I grabbed the note and in between the folds there was a debit card

Dear Adley, sorry baby it had to end like this but I'm sure you're well taken care of now, I promise that after this you'll live a better life maybe not with me but you'll have a better future. In this bag I have given you 50k in cash to carry with you, a debit card with all my life earnings passed down to you, a bag with your new identity papers, different passport, and two keys. First I have to ask you to please follow Harry, he will guide you, he will take care of you from now on, take the keys with the blue ribbon attached to it, this will be your new car, it is a 2015 Ford Explorer parked right outside the house 3014 with the blue mailbox, as soon as you reach the car, turn it on and roll down the back right window, after about five minutes a man with khakis and a blue polo shirt will walk out the house and towards you, don't panic he is a friend of mine, he will drop a white envelope in and walk away without a word, roll up the window and grab the envelope, open it and head to that destination next, that will be your temporary home for a while and the keys to that home are the keys with the pink ribbon so make sure to keep those safe, in the compartment of the car you will see everything legally involving the car, you new license, Harry's and car insurance ect. If anything goes wrong just run. The cash, use this money for anything along the way as in good or anything you need, give the debit card to Harry, he'll take care of it, he's good with money. The bag with passports don't take it out your sight, keep it in your new home safe. I love you and I always will. Awesome dad xx

I sighed as I sat back and tried to take in what the hell was happening.

i looked over at Harry to him him looking in the bags to check everything off and make sure we had everything we needed.

"It says here we have to change in those clothes" he looked at the closet and a few clothes hung from some hangers waiting for us to put on.

I nodded and quickly reached for them, giving Harry his.

He instantly got undressed making my eyes widen and turn around to not look at him. He chuckled

"Quit acting like you've never seen a guy naked before" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah well I haven't seen you naked before" I shot back, he smirked but stood quiet.

He went away and left me to change.

Suddenly I heard sirens. My heart stopped.

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