-Part 1-

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'Daddy works a long day
He be coming home late, and he's coming home late
And he's bringing me a surprise
'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice' - Pumped up kicks by Foster the people

"Bella go up to your room, please" she spoke in a stern voice, her hands on her temple as she rubbed lightly trying to calm down.
She was mad, I knew it.
The stool she sat on shaking along with her raging body.

I stared at her, looking at her body shake.

"Go to your room!" She slammed her hand on the table, a few things falling off.

Dad sat on the other side of the table giving me a sad smile and nodding at me to go.

Truth is I hid as I walked up the stairs, I hid behind the wall staring at both my parents sitting there quietly.

"I can't do this anymore Johnny, I'm fed up with her and your stupid drug addiction! Having men around, i-i can't" she cried, tears falling down her face, she's leaving.

My father sat still, staring down at the flower base which was sitting at the middle of our table, just listening to her complains.

"I met someone and I'm moving to Canada with him" she looked up at him, my dad only sat still.

"Please say something...Johnny" she sobbed, hand grasping the edge of the table. Dad only stood and leaned against the counter, his back facing me.

"Leave" his deep voice above a whisper as he tapped his rings against the counter.

She only stood and walked to him, planting a kiss on his cheek before she grabbed what I presume was her already packed suitcases and walked out the door.

Dad stood there, looking down at the floor in silence.

I took my chance and quietly ran up to my room where I looked out the window to see her getting in a taxi.

I didn't cry but i heard my father, he sobbed.

It hurt but this was all her fault. She's a bitch.

"Wanna play ches?" I offered with a smile as i sat with him on the kitchen floor. His sad eyes looking up at me with a soft smile before i was wrapped in his arms..

We never talked about her again, she didn't cross our conversations once. Dad and i were already really close, he's like my best friend.

His red puffed up eyes looking up to meet my brown doe ones he passed down to me, giving me a smile.

"What would i do without you?"

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