chapter 9

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My heart raced as I drove to the hospital, my mind filled with worry for Elle. I replayed the phone call in my head, the panic in Mrs. Jenkins voice, the mention of Elle choking. I prayed that Elle would be okay.

When I arrived at the hospital, I rushed to the emergency room, My hands trembling as I checked in at the desk. The nurse directed me to Elle's room, and I hurried down the hallway, my heart pounding in her chest.

As I entered the room, My eyes filled with tears at the sight of Elle lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to monitors. Mrs.Jenkins was by her side, holding her hand, tears streaming down her face.

I rushed to Elle's side, taking her other hand in mine. "Elle, sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Elle weakly opened her eyes and managed a small smile. "I'm okay, Mommy," she whispered. "I was so scared."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, knowing that Elle was going to be okay. I turned to Mrs. Jenkins gratitude filling her heart. "Thank you for being here with her," I said, my voice choked with emotion.

Mrs. Jenkins smiled, her own eyes filled with tears. "Of course, Camilla. I wouldn't be anywhere else," she said, squeezing my hand.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the doctors discharged Elle from the hospital. I hugged Mrs.Jenkins tightly, grateful that my daughter was going to be okay.

As they walked out of the hospital, I held Elle's hand tightly, feeling a mix of emotions—relief, gratitude, and guilt. I knew I needed to be more careful, to keep a closer eye on Elle. I vowed to myself that I would never let something like this happen again.As we drove home, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that lingered.

When they arrived home, I sat down with Elle and had a serious talk with her about the importance of not putting small toys in her mouth. Elle listened attentively, her big eyes filled with understanding.

Camilla held Elle close, feeling a wave of guilt wash over her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she shouldn't have gone to the gala, that she should have stayed home with Elle. She made a decision then and there—she wouldn't leave Elle with anyone tomorrow.

As Elle drifted off to sleep in her arms, Camilla picked up her phone and saw messages from Nathan, asking if Elle was okay. She quickly replied, reassuring him that Elle was fine, but it had been a scary moment.

She then texted Ayla, thanking her for the great time at the gala and wishing her a good night. Finally, she sent a message to Adrian, informing him that she wouldn't be able to come into work the next day due to a family emergency. To her surprise, Adrian responded, saying it was fine but she only had one day off. It was the nicest they had been to each other since she had returned.

As she put her phone down and closed her eyes, another message came in from Nathan. He advised her to tell Adrian about Elle soon, before he found out for himself. Feeling a mix of emotions—guilt, gratitude, and anxiety—Camilla drifted off to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would bring better news.

Camilla woke up to find Elle still fast asleep, likely exhausted from the previous night's events. After freshening up, Camilla headed to the kitchen to make Elle's favorite breakfast—pancakes and bacon.

"Hey, baby, let's get up and eat some breakfast," Camilla gently woke Elle, who stirred awake with a smile. "Pancakes!" Elle exclaimed happily, running out to the kitchen. Camilla set her in her high chair and turned on a movie for them to watch together, enjoying a peaceful and relaxing day with her daughter.


Adrian couldn't shake the thought of Elle out of his mind. Who was she, and why hadn't he heard of her before? She must be important for Camilla to call out of work for a family emergency. Maybe she just didn't want to work with him after the way he acted last night. He wished he could figure it out.

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