Back home (Whoever you like)

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*in his position*
..I'm finally at home and can't wait to see my girlfriend again!
I enter the apartment and screaming through the rooms.


But silence. Weird. I know she is home, but why she doesn't show up or answer me?
I'm going through the rooms, everything is so clean.
I'm going upstairs and hear noises. I hear voices, now I'm scared.
All doors are closed, so what's going on in here?
I've reached the bedroom door and without overthinking what I'm doing I slammed through the door and my girlfriend wince and looked at me.

"WTF! Holy crap! Don't scare me like this! My heart!"

I was confused about her reaction, she was freaking scaring me out!

"Omg, darling..I thought something bad happened to you.."

She smiled and went towards me, grabbed my hands and squeezed them.

"No, I'm fine, I just thought you were coming back tomorrow, so that's why everything looks so clean and "empty". I was watching Sherlock and was so into it, I'm so sorry. And sorry that I'm looking like-"

I stopped her, while I kissed her. She never looks bad for me, just beautiful as always.

"It's okay, the main reason is, that you are okay!"

We both begin to laugh, because this whole situation is just a misunderstanding.
We look at each other.

"I love you."

I said to her and kissed her forehead.
She responds the same and hugged me tight.
Glad to be home.

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