Chapter 1: A Not-So Average Day

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Even though I didn't get any comments to create this story, I just kind of wanted to make it because I already had the story written down. You don't need to know anything from the other stories to know about this one. Before I start, I should probably talk about Valentine. Valentine is a high school girl who goes by the name Vale. She considers herself average, even though she's not the most average person. She lives in the real world where no monsters exist and to her, life is very boring. She wants change. And then, it finally happens. But in the way she least expects. I also added some oc friends, so those guys will show up too. If you have any questions, comment! Enjoy!

Valentine's Point of View

 "Hey, Vale? You have chorus after school, right?" Sarah B. asked me. "So do I! Let's go together!"

"Sure." I smiled. I hated chorus. But I went because I had a friend there. "Want to grab a coffee before we go? I'm always exhausted after school."

"Sure! Meet me by the fountain!" Sarah B. ran off for her next class. Namir laughed.

"Heh! There she goes. Man, I wonder when she'll stop being so crazy!" Namir inquired.

"Not as crazy as you! Remember the time you-" Namir cut me off.

"Nope. We are NOT going to talk about that today. Now how about we get to class before people think we're late?"

"Fine." We both ran in opposite directions. After school, Sarah B. and I grabbed our chorus bags and headed off to the church we sang at.

"You know, I hope something new happens. After all... nothing exciting ever happens. It's just the same routine everyday." I sighed.

"Come on, we just need to keep hoping... that the teachers create a surprise field trip!" Sarah B. laughed.

"Ha! Like they'd ever do that!" I playfully elbowed her. We sat down in a sanctuary booth and waited for other students to arrive. Once all the kids in our class arrived, the teacher started speaking. I may have been pretty average, but singing is something I was not average at. I could really sing. But so could everyone else in my chorus, so it's not something to brag about. Well, at school... everyone but Sarah B. and I was TERRIBLE at singing. And I mean that.

We all sang. Then, a loud growling noise was heard from the other side of a wall.

"What was that?" I asked Sarah B. over all the murmuring.

"I don't know... Whatever it was, it isn't human. Human's stomachs don't growl that loud!" Sarah B. made a nervous laugh. Then, a giant monster broke through the wall.

"Dammit, the portal closed behind us! Ugh, and these stupid Faceless are running loose now too!" A boy with a pineapple haircut was searching for something on the ground, but couldn't because a bunch of people were stacked on top of him like a giant human pile. None of them were armed, I could tell because all of their weapons were scattered everywhere on the ground. I thought fast. The closest weapon was a bow, but with no bowstring or arrows. Whatever. I didn't know how bows worked anyway. So I picked it up and cleared my mind. After I opened my eyes again, a bowstring and arrow appeared.

"Is this how all bows work?" I asked, but Sarah B. just looked amazed, so I was guessing not.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO WORK THE FUJI-" The pineapple head boy screamed as I fired. Wow, lucky shot. The arrow land directly in the monster's chest, killing it instantly. I dropped the bow. And looked around, quietly.

"Wow. Quite the bow skills you have there." Sarah B. walked up to me. "That bow looks heavy."

"WHAT?" The pineapple boy threw all the people off him and stormed up to me. "That is mine, you know!"

Fire Emblem Fates Oc Fanfiction: Takumi x ValeWhere stories live. Discover now