The change of tides

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The sun was setting over the rapidly darkening water of the vast ocean, the light dipping past the horizon and taking back the last of its orange haze. I sat on the cliff and watched it wave goodbye, knowing the night was new and the possibilities endless. As the last of the light was sucked away and the world seeped into the darkness of night, I felt that same tug from inside me as I do every night. The feeling begins to spread through my whole body. 

Then, a second feeling, a calling to the water. Knowing what it meant, I did not hesitate to stand up and walk towards the edge of the cliff. Opening my arms wide, I feel the wind soothe the intense itching the sensation had become over my skin. But I was not afraid, It would be over soon. I feel my body become overwhelmed with a tingling burn and I open my arms wide before leaning forward and letting myself fall down. I breathe in and out slowly and close my eyes tightly, feeling the rushing wind and smelling the salt of the water which calls to me more and more desperate every moment. My body is now numb all over but I'm not scared. The sea rapidly approaches beneath me, but I am not concerned. 

For when I hit the water, everything is alright. 

I flick my tail and swim off down the current into the deep water and let it pass over my new gills. I can feel all my scales and beautiful new fins. Tonight, as predicted, it's a fish, though I'm not sure which kind. 

The ocean is a whole different world, which I do not visit often, rarely do I become a creature of the sea. But it's beauty and danger is unparallel to anything else on earth. As I swim my eyes dart back and forth and see other fish and creatures of the deep. Fish do not swim away but join me in a school. To them, I am no different from any other fish so they have no reason to fear me. However I myself must watch out for that same reason. Here, I am still part of the food chain, and as normal on these nights, I am not at the top. But that is common and I know what to watch out for. 

I spend my night exploring and swimming, making the most of the time. It's a shame that even here and with all this magic, it is still ruined by the litter I find left by humans on the sea-bed. But right now there is not much I can do as a fish, perhaps I shall return another day with a net. But my plan will have to wait, for through the water's surface above me I see the sky becoming brighter and I must swim up to be ready for daybreak. Once more I let my fins carry me through the water and break the surface, watching as the sun peaks out once more and the light flood the world. The sun's rays are warm after the cold of the sea and I feel it fill me with energy. Once again my body begins to tingle and itch, and I know it is time to start heading for shore.

By the time I drag myself out of the water, my human body has returned and I flop onto the sand to rest for a moment, letting the sun begin to dry me and thanking the ocean for taking care of me that night. Now it is daytime and I must return home, otherwise, people will get worried if I am gone too long. 

''Ah, Amy you're awake'' My mother says I walk into the house.

''Yeah, I just went for-''

''A morning walk, I know'' she finishes my own sentence, she knows it too well. It is a common excuse. Though it certainly isn't a lie. 

I reach for some cereal, my hunger is ravenous as I didn't much fancy eating anything in the ocean. The buzz of my phone alerts me of a text and I glance down. It was my friend, asking me to meet up. I reply and agree, saying where to meet and at what time. Once more text comes from her.

'What was It tonight?' it reads. 

I send her a single emoji of a fish and get ready to go out. 

I pack a bag for the day with some food for lunch and head out with some nice fresh clothes, walking to our normal meeting point in the town centre by a park, next to a large tree. I can already see my friend sitting there and waving to me, to which I wave back with a smile and take a seat next to her. 

''A fish huh? So you guessed right!'' She smiles.

''Well the clues are normally pretty obvious so it's not often I am surprised'' I reply.

''That's true. Have you told your family yet?''

''Of course not'' I laugh. ''Can you imagine?''

''Well you told me'' my friend points out.

''Because you saw. And I didn't want you thinking you were going mad'' I smile.

''Well that's sweet of you to do that. You could have easily brushed it off to protect your secret but I'm glad you went with the latter option'' 

''Me too, it's nice to know there's someone who knows. Makes me feel less alone, you know?'' 

My friend nods in understanding. We then decide to go into a local cafe to get a drink before walking towards the same beach where I was last night. I point out into the ocean.

''Last night I spend most of it swimming around here. You'd be horrified by the amount of junk that's been tossed in there though'' I inform. My friend rolls her eyes.

''Humans are awful'' she huffs.

''Well I wouldn't know so much about that'' I laugh, and she joins in too.

''Well only 12 hours at a time!'' she chips in. 

As the day quickly went by we talked about many things and ate our lunch on the beach. I am always keeping an eye out for clues, potential clues happen all the time I can't escape seeing wildlife. But when it happens, I know what it is. And today was no different. As we walked back across the beach toward the town, I can hear the constant calls of the seagulls as they fly around. My friend likes to guess and try and find the clues herself.

''Is it a seagull do you think?''

''No...I don't think so, doesn't feel like it'' I reply, watching them myself.

The afternoon grew old and we knew we had to start going back, and we walked through the forest, hearing and seeing an array of animals. But something made me look to my left and stop, I put my hand out and stopped my friend too. From the bush, a herd of deer ran past us with a stag leading them. One female stops and looks at me for a moment then run on after her herd.

''That...'' I breathe out. ''That was it'' 

''You feel it do you?'' she asks, and I nod slowly. We carry on walking, but quietly as to not accidentally spook the herd. 

I say goodbye as she walks back into her house, making my way back to my own. I sit down and have dinner with my family, eyeing the beginning sunset outside.

When everyone is in bed, I sneak out into the forest where my friend and I were walking earlier today and take in a deep breath of the forest air and the light diminishes. The tingle begins once more in my body as I sit patiently for it to finish. Small footsteps begin in front of me, and I see the herd of deer slowly walking towards me with curiosity and interest. They surround me and watch like they are waiting for me. 

The transformation is done and I hop over to them, flicking my furry ears and my little-hoofed feet make light sounds on the forest floor. They all begin the run through the forest, leaping and bouncing as one stops and looks at me, waiting. With a small call, I bound after them and begin to run through the forest, passing trees as the moonlight filters through the leaves casting dotted light onto the deer around me.

Tonight is just like any other night.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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