Birds of a feather (Part 1)

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She fell from the sky, they say.

One day, on a stormy night where the clouds filled the night sky.

The winds howled and attacked the trees, the rain beat down heavily on everything below.

Our town had never seen anything like it, it was called the storm of ages.

Mainly because we had not seen one this bad for a very long time. But also, because on that night, it marked the end of one age and the birth of another.

Our town lived in terror from a group of criminals who lived past the mountains who would raid our town of its resources, hurt our people and destroy our houses. And because we are a remote rural town, there was nowhere to turn to living up in these wood-filled mountains. We were isolated and alone. For the most part, we loved it that way, but in these times, we had nowhere to go.

But it all changed on that night, the clouds parted in that storm and we could see the clear starry night through it, the bright full moon's rays shone down through the parted clouds. This is where she fell, like a shooting star blazing blue. We all watched in awe as it shot across the sky, lighting up the night before it landed somewhere in the deep forest that surrounds us. Little did we know that the ball of light was bringing our saviour.

Was I there? No, but oh how I wish. But this was long, long before I was born. She fell 95 years before I came into this world. But that didn't mean I never met her. Oh, it was far from it.


''You won't get away with this!'' a young boy yells confidently.

''Oh yeah?'' A large man with a mask on chuckles darkly, picking the boy up by the collar.

''She will protect us!'' he screams again, surrounded by a few other people trapped as hostages in a building.

''She can try, but her weakness is the very people of this town she protects. She won't lay a finger on me so long as I have all of YOU'' he laughs, a few other men with the same mask laugh as well.

''Such a shame you put such a burden on her, you all just get in her way'' he adds, grinning evilly at the kid.

''I know that's not true. And she will save us, she always does. It's you guys that need to be afraid, you should maybe rethink your plan'' he said confidently.

''Oh? What makes you so sure you little brat?''

''because he's never been wrong about it'' Come another soft female voice. The gang members turn around, perched on the window ledge is a girl, that looks about 18 with white wavy hair. And two huge white feathered wings stretched out proudly from her back.

The little boy and all the hostages begin to grin and cheer, but stop when the man begins to chuckle.

''Well, well, well if it isn't the flying nuisance. If you take even one step, the boy gets it, as well as everyone else here one by one. So give up, we have the town back now'' He threatens, flicking out a knife and holding it by the boy's throat. The other gang members also flicked out knives and waved them in the direction of the other trembling people.

''I won't move then'' She states calmly.

She closes her eyes for a moment and folds on her wings a little. Then her eyes suddenly snap open as her wings unfold once more. Her eyes flash blue, and a pulse of energy erupts from her body, shooting forward and knocking the gang members over. The boy begins to fall, but she squints her eyes which allows her too see everything slowed down a tiny bit. She jumps off the ledge and easily catches the boy in this weak slow-motion state way before he was anywhere near touching the ground. As soon as she does, she drops her ability and everything starts to play as normal.

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