Birds of a feather (part 2)

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Its 2 weeks until Logan's birthday, and everything is as peaceful as it always is. The clan of criminals no longer even attempt to attack anymore, knowing she is there. Only very, very rarely do they come anywhere near, to scout out and see the situation.

''Morning Logan!'' his neighbour greets when he walks past their house.

''Morning!'' he says back with a smile.

''Not like you to be walking around by yourself, where's Artemis?'' he asks. Logan shrugs.

''I haven't seen her yet today'' he replies. The neighbour nods, but with a puzzled look. Someone would have seen her by this point, maybe she was on a walk, she had been doing that more recently. Which is fine, but she normally tells Logan where she is going and often invites him to join her.

Logan decides to go into the town square and grab some things from the shop, once he comes back out with a little shopping bag, a shadow flies over. He looks up to see Artemis gliding down from one of the rooftops. She hovers in front of him for a moment, but slowly descends until she lands on the ground.

''Afternoon'' she smiles.

''Hey Artie, where were you? I didn't see you at all this morning, it's unlike you''

''Yeah, sorry, just felt like going on a big walk by myself, you know?'' she replies, with a flake of guilt.

''Oh, I see. Fair enough, just wondered. So what are you thinking of getting up to today?'' Logan asks as they begin to walk.

''Well, Mrs Logenter wants some help building a shed, I thought I'd help her clear away all the big rocks right at the back of her garden and help her build it. Do you want to come along and help?'' she replies.

''You know I will!'' he smiles back.

They both go to her garden, Artemis poofs the big rocks with her ability leaving good enough space to build a shed. Logan and she then helped build and paint the shed together with her.

''Thank you both so much for your help'' she thanks them, offering them a drink as the least she could do.

''Anytime Mrs'' Logan smiles. They had a quick drink before saying goodbye and leaving.

''Good day's work I think'' Artemis says, walking off.

''Yeah. You going back home now?'' Logan asks. She nods.

''Ok, I'll see you soon Artie''

''Night Logan'' she replies.

Logan goes to walk off around the corner, but a spike of curiosity strikes him and he hides behind the wall, peaking round at her so she wouldn't see.

Artemis lets out a small sigh, maybe from the nice fresh air or maybe because of something else. She slowly folds out her wings fully, lifting them high, before bringing them down with one huge flap to get herself into the air. Logan watches as she flaps off, each wingbeat deeper than her normal ones and flapping a little more than she usually does. It looks like she's putting in more effort to fly at her normal pace. She used to flap once, effortlessly lifting into the air and having infrequent shallow flaps, gliding through the air gracefully like a bird pf prey. But now, she's flapping more, be it only a few. But even these few are deeper than her normal ones.

Logan finds himself uneasy at this sight, a light tingle of worry.


''CLAN MEMBERS!'' someone shouts, spotting one trying to scout on the edge of the forest.

Logan gasps as people begin to stir and cry out. The members crawled out of the woods, having being spotted.

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