Chapter 3: A burning desire for vengeance

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Robert's entire body was trembling with both fear and rage after seeing his sister face to face after so many years had passed, and she looked as if she hadn't aged at all. Her appearance still looked like a young 20 year old woman yet her eyes told a story of absolute darkness and decay. As Sarah gets closer she simply says "Alright now that the introductions are out of the way little brother it's time you gave me what I came for. Now hand me the power of the Phoenix and I will kill you all quickly." Robert clenched his fists and with a brave look in his eyes he told her "Over my dead body Sarah" Sarah then replies "Actually Robbie, my name is now Cinder, and as for that answer you just gave me..." She then makes a sadistic grin as she prepares for battle. "That's exactly what I wanted you to say"

As the fight begins, Nathan is still speaking with Adam over the situation regarding his family. Nathan then says "I don't know man, I mean come on maybe he's crazy but he's still my birth father." Adam then replies by saying "Well yeah but like come on man, what're the chances that he's actually telling the truth and your some magic guardian warrior? I mean you could be a freaking hero." Nathan scoffs at Adam and says "Adam if that man was telling the truth about the whole phoenix guardian thing, then where's the damn proof?"

As he says this he hears an explosion close to where he lives, this makes the two boys run downstairs to the front door and see a huge fire over by Nathan's house. Nathan with a horrified look in his face and absolute fear gripping his entire body goes running towards his house to see if his parents are safe. Adam screamed for Nathan to wait but it was in vain as all Nathan could think about was hoping that his family was safe. When he arrived he saw Robert beaten, bruised and exhausted over his foster parent's burning home. Robert saw that Nathan was behind him and screamed "NATHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"  Nathan shouted "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE ARE MY OTHER PARENTS AND WHERE'S MOM?!"

Before Robert could speak again a pillar of black flames appeared in front of Nathan, emerging from this pillar was Sarah Hart who now went by the name Cinder had said "Oh little boy, your fake family won't bother you anymore. Because I killed them." Nathan with tears in his eyes and fear taking over his body could only stutter and tremble at her presence, she then said "As for your mommy, she tried to get involved in a fight between siblings, so she had to go away too. You don't wanna believe it sweetie? Look right behind you." Nathan slowly turns around and sees the charred remains of his foster parents and his birth mother, with smoke still coming out of their burned corpses. Nathan crawled quickly towards his family's remains and sobbed loudly after seeing this tragedy.

The fear that he had felt towards Cinder now became pure rage over what she had done to his family he stood up, turned around and faced her with a cold look in his eyes. Sarah laughed at his foolish attempt at bravery and said "You honestly believe you have the power to defeat me? Your own flesh and blood?" Nathan with an angered tone says "What the hell are you talking about, you psychotic bitch?!" She rushes at him and grabs him by his throat, choking him and lifting him up while still grabbing his neck and says to him "I guess your fake daddy never taught you any manners huh? But then again, little Robbie wasn't so good with them either growing up" As Nathan continued to struggle his father kept trying to stand up to be able to save his son knowing he was a few feet away. Sarah then tells Nathan the truth, that she is Nathan's biological aunt and that their family was destined to guard the Phoenix and become one with the creature to protect the world from the evil to come. Sarah ranted to him saying that it was supposed to go to her that she should've been the chosen one, that she is the only one worthy of the prize. Sarah had calmed down, let Nathan go from her grip and said "But now, I don't need the phoenix. Now I just need you and your pathetic father to die at my hands."

She prepared to kill Nathan with one blast but just as she was ready to kill him, Robert had attacked her using his mystic flames and managed to scorch her back. She turned around with an enraged look on her face and used her flames to burn him alive slowly while looking at Nathan. As the flames began to engulf him, Robert had dropped the photo he and his wife had of Nathan when he was a baby and said to him with a tear in his eyes "Nathan... Your mother and I have always loved you and we always will." He was then consumed by the dark flames, his screams were heard as he was dying slowly and painfully as Nathan looked on at his father. The screaming had stopped, and all that was left of Robert was mere ashes of himself.

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