Chapter 1: The New Guardian

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Once Nathan was born, his family was overjoyed to have a new member. However, knowing the danger that would loom over him because of his aunt who was still out there plotting her vengeance, and so they made a decision once he was 1 year old that would hurt them for the days to come. Nathan had been placed on the doorsteps of an Orphanage where he would be raised by it's caretakers and be unaware of his true family and his destiny.

After 15 years have passed Nathan had grown into a fine young 16 year old boy. His appearance is a young average height, fit boy with short brown hair, with average looks in terms of appearance. On this day he returns from school after having helped his team win a soccer game against another school, but when he returns he sees his foster parents Harold and Maria Smith, sitting down with two total strangers in the living room, one male who had a rugged beard, a strong build, and looked to be about 45 year old man with a grey streak in his hair, as for the female she was a 42 year old woman with long red hair, and a curvy build, both with an aged look and tears in their eyes after seeing Nathan enter the room. He asks what's going on and who these people are, the man then stands up to look at Nathan closely, hugs him and says "You have no idea how glad and how proud I am to see you after so long.. my only son". Nathan gets off of the man and looks at him in his eyes and asks who paid him for the prank but his foster father Harold stands up and says that it is the truth. He had shown a picture of Nathan when he was still a baby with his foster parents and one of the man and woman holding him the exact same way as a baby.

Nathan then sits down after realizing this shocking revelation and his birth mother then speaks "please let us explain everything Nathan, my name is Jennifer Rodriguez  but when I married your father I became Jennifer Hart and your father is Robert Hart. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland and so were you." Nathan then says in a  "Wait a minute, I'm Scottish?!" Robert then interrupts and says he is also half Latino from his mother's side. Nathan then asks them why he was placed under adoption if they really did care about him. Robert responds by telling him the truth of their clan. Robert had said that Nathan's aunt, Sarah Hart wanted to kill him and the rest of the clan to claim what should be Nathan's destiny. Nathan then replies "Destiny? What are you talking about." Robert then bows to one knee with his head down and his right hand on the ground and says "Nathaniel Sheamus Hart, I your father Robert Marcus Hart am honored and privileged to be in the presence of my successor, the new guardian of the Hart family clan and future leader of the 6 guardians of Midgard. You are now the protector of the mighty phoenix and to save this world from ultimate evil, this is your birthright and your destiny."

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