Ch 10 - Laura's Older Sister?

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You wake up with Laura curled up next to you. You slowly rub her back causing her to wake up moaning. Once she was fully awake, she looks up at you and kisses you. You both get up and decide to get dressed for the day. Laura just started to take her clothes off when you asked why she didn't take the partition out of the wall to get dressed behind.

"That vould be silly. I decided to make me vour vride." Laura says.

It took you a minute to understand what she had just said.

"What?" you say loudly in shock.

"What's vrong?" Laura asks.

"Nothing is wrong. You just caught me off guard with that statement is all." you say.

Laura smiles and you couldn't help but think that she was the most beautiful girl that you had seen. You grab Laura by the shoulders and drag her down next to you on your bed with only being in undergarments for both of you. You start making out with Laura when the door all of a sudden flies open to the room with Ichika and the girls standing there with a serious dark look on there face like something was wrong.

"How indecent!" all the girls shout when they see you and Laura on your bed with just your undergarments on.

You look over at Ichika.

"What's wrong man?" you ask while trying not to be embarrassed.

"We have a visitor. She claims to be related to Laura and is here to take her with her." Ichika says.

"Vhy is she here now?" Laura seems to ask herself.

"Do you know the person Laura?" you ask.

"She is my older sister." Laura says with a dark look on her face.

Laura instantly gets the rest of her clothes on and summons her IS unit. You get dressed and look at Ichika for your orders.

"Everyone summons you IS units. If Laura is summoning her's then we can assume that this isn't going to be pretty." Ichika orders.

Everyone summons their IS units just as the alarms came on the speakers. You all instantly follow Laura as she takes off. Laura heads right outside into the air and you all follow her. Just as you reach outside you all see the girl with her IS unit. Miss Orimura's voice comes on the intercom of everyone's IS unit.

"It's time to face your past Laura. Everyone is to aid in support of Laura. She got through the barrier and we are not sure how or what her IS unit's power is. Keep your guard up everyone. Staff is on there way now to aid support but remember this is Laura's battle. You are in command Laura. Ichika you are the teams sub-commander." Miss Orimura said over everyone's intercom.

"Acknowledged!" Everyone said.

You fly up next to Laura but stayed a little behind to give Laura some maneuvering room if she needed it.

"Vhy are you here Chloe?" Laura asks the girl.

"I came here to talk. I do not wish to fight with any of you. I am in my IS unit just encase I was attacked." the girl said.

"Alright. Follow me then and the rest of you are to surround us for support." Laura commanded.

Laura and you lead the way to the docking hangar for the IS units with the girl right behind you. Once everyone was inside the hangar, the girl disengaged her IS unit and everyone else did the same. You now managed to see the girl's full features. She had platinum hair just like Laura but was about an inch shorter and seemed to have an elegant aura around her.

"So vhy has my older sister decided to show up now?" Laura asked.

"I wish to make you an offer that you can't refuse. In doing so though I wish protection by the academy. I'm afraid that Phantom Task is hunting me. As for everyone else, let me introduce myself. My name is Chloe Chronicle." the girl said.

Miss Orimura enters the hangar.

"Very well. We will grants you protection but you must enroll as a student and do studies just like everyone else. Do you agree to this?" Miss Orimura asks Chloe.

"Yes Ma'am." Chloe says.

"I know that you were at one point working with Tabane Shinonono. What happened with that?" Miss Orimura asks.

"Miss Shinonono told me that she couldn't protect me just by herself, So she told me to come here knowing that I would be protected." Chloe says.

"So vat is it vou vant vith me?" Laura asks.

"I wish to start over and hopefully be sisters like we are suppose to be. You are my only family and I know the way I treated you in the past was wrong." Chloe says.

"Very vell. Miss Orimura can Chloe share the room with both me and (F/N)? She can sleep in the bed that vas meant for me and if (F/N) is alright vith it I can share the bed vith him." Laura says and asks.

"That is fine with me but know this, you and (F/N) will be responsible for her. IS that alright with you (F/N)?" Miss Orimura says and asks.

"That is fine by me." you say.

All of a sudden Chloe is standing in front of you as if she was always there. It startled you seeing someone move that quick as to not catch the movement. Chloe starts examining you closely by lifting up your arm and looking closely at your muscles and poking around on your body.

"Umm. What are you doing?" you ask.

"I just want to see what your body is like. I want to know if you are strong enough to be the man my sister chooses to marry." Chloe says.

Everyone laughs as you get embarrassed by Chloe's remark.

"Sorry about that. My sister likes to examine everything she sees." Laura says.

You just shrug your shoulders like it didn't matter to you. After everyone had settled down, you help Laura get her sister to the room and settled in. Chloe seemed like a little child when she saw the bed. You had to admit it was kind of funny. You just hoped nobody was making a mistake accepting her here.

Laura Bodewig X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now