The Bitter Macrochelys

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"HAHAHAHA! That's so funny Junior!"

"Junior why did you have to tell Fuuka that!?" Cody said while covering Rinne's ears

"What? It's true though?"

"Yeah! But being attacked by a T.rex and almost getting trapped in an elevator wasn't funny!"

"Fine Cody, and, wait, where's Joseph?"

"I haven't seen him in a while Junior, but I wonder how he's doing with Vivio."

"Hey guys."

The girls and the koopas looked up and saw a sad Vivio, and she was looking to the floor.

"Vivio? Whats wrong?" Fuuka asked worriedly

"And where's Joseph?" Junior asked

Vivio looked up, and revealed tears in her eyes.

"J-Joseph h-hates me." She whimpered


1 hour ago

In Vivio's room

"Ah, Good Morning Joseph!" Vivio said with a smile

Joseph didn't respond, instead he hid in his shell and rolled over to the side away from Vivio.

Vivio eyes widened, and picked up Joseph in her hands


Joseph grumbled and he popped his head out of his shell.

"What?"  He asked,

"Do you want to eat?" She asked politely

"What do you think?" He replied coldly

Vivio was taken aback, but quickly shook it off and carefully placed him on her bed and left to get him food.

Joseph just laid down, looking up in the ceiling

"Why am I feeling like this?"

He sighed and turned his head to the right, until he saw a picture, a picture that angered him.

"I'm back! and I brought food!" Vivio greeted cheerfully


Vivio was hit in the face by a small shoe, causing her to drop the lunch tray, making a big mess.

She looked down with wide eyes and looked at the one who threw the shoe at her

It was Joseph

"I don't need your food! I don't need your care! And I don't need YOU!" Joseph snapped angrily

Vivio covered her mouth, and her lip quivered, and she ran out of the room, closing the door behind her



The girls and the koopas were shocked at what Joseph did to her

"I-I don't know wh-what I'm doing w-wrong." Vivio said as she cried

Fuuka and Rinne hugged Vivio to comfort her while Junior and Cody went to Vivio's room.

At Vivio's Room

Vivid Strike, with Junior, Joseph, and Cody!Where stories live. Discover now