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Chapter 07- The sleep over Pt. 1

Taehyung's P.O.V

I had walked into the cafe. I saw (Y/n) and I didn't want to say anything to him. He was with his friends and I knew that I should not interrupt their time hanging out. I walked over to Baehyun's table and sat down we ordered two ice lattes I got a croissant and Baekhyun got honey bread. Our food came and I ate. "So Baekhyun? Do you date anyone." I saw that he nearly choked on his food and looked at me. "No Tae. I am not but I might like someone but our relationship can be seen as a bad thing." I rolled my eyes. "Just tell me." Baekhyun shook his head.  "Nope not gonna say until I am completely sure about my feelings towards this male." After a while I looked at my phone and Baekhyun was busy texting people. I stared at (Y/n) most importantly I was looking at the boy he was next to. That male had his arm a little too close to (Y/n)'s butt. I took a picture and saved it. I was going to confront (Y/n) about it. Even though we were a good distance away I could hear them talking about life and just catching up. I sighed and sipped on my Latte. I looked over and heard the girl with the purple hair say something about a crush. I couldn't pay attention to it cause Baekhyun spoke to me. "Tae,  we need to head back to the school! We have a meeting about the new transfer students from America." I rolled my eyes and walked past them and got out of the door before they noticed.

Me and Baekhyun got into my car and we headed back to the school. When we arrived I sat through a 20 minute meeting then got a text from (Y/n). I replied quickly.

'Hey Babe. What are
You doing?'

'Nothing much just
Finished with a meeting
What are  you and
Your friends up to?'

'We just left the
Melon Music Café!
It was great babe
We need to go on
A cute little date there'

'Hmm, I'll think
About it. But as long as
You are having
Fun. That is all that
Matters to me tbh.'

'Well Im glad you
Are free. I Missed you
So much.
I told my friends about you.

'Okay and what did
They say?'

'It wasn't anything
Bad. They just wanted
To meet you is all
I hope that you will be
Willing to meet them some
Please be cool about this

'Okay babe, but why
Wouldn't I be okay
With meeting your
I need to know them
For me to have
A positive
Relationship with you'

'Babe you are
Stressing too
Much, Im not going
To leave you even if
My friends don't like you.
But my friends like people
So you won't need to worry.
However, you need to be
Cautios. They will ask
Questions that will
Test your loyalty and
Things like That.

He's My Teacher?![Taehyung x Male Reader]✔Where stories live. Discover now