Sweet Little Nightmares

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I know I'm breathing like a monster
I've been loving you just like before
Because I've been having these nightmares
And you act like you don't care

I've been searching for someone like you
But it looks like it's just me and you
Love is just for the weaklings like me
Hate makes me strong but with miseries

Fast heartbeats go when I'm nervous
It's like seeing you straight in the eyes
My heart is nothing but precious
And you reckon to break it with all those lies

(Author's Note: Please don't forget to comment and vote! 😁 But if you're not willing to, then I'm not forcing you to though. Anyways, I do follow back to those who follows me and not that I want you to follow me or whatever, I just wanna be fair in supporting each other. 💛)

Words Written For You. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant