That destiny made me see him again

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I worked in a store and I went to my break then I went to the bathroom and then when I opened that door to go out i saw that him,he was with a friend and they also just were coming from the bathroom's man but they didn't see me because the man's bathroom was first than the woman's bathroom, so I stayed standing there on schook,I didn't know what to do and i didn't wanted that they turn because if they did it ,they was gonna seem me, so I let them left from the hallways and in that moment I knew that I still had feelings for him because I felt my heart beating again just for seeing him I wanted to go behind them and then give a hug to him,but I couldn't do that because I was at work and he wasn't alone,if he was alone maybe I would scream his name and did it because I felt like if I had to do it.I waited there couple minutes so I could back to work without they seeing me, i walked fast and I went to the room where I was working,they couldn't see that people that was there so,now I was safe, but I know that he still was walking in the store and I was just thinking on him and then my favorite song come out and it was all around the store playing do you know from Enrique Iglesias,aww I felt more on my feelings and wanted to go and found him,so he could also see me again but I couldn't do that,but there were more chances that I had and if not I could make one so I could see him and he could see me again and it was gonna be the right and we were gonna be on the right place to do whatever we wanted to do.

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