I could be with someone else

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There were more guys I could date but I didn't want to because I didn't want make him suffer more, like one his friend that he also had the same class with us,I remember that when was a sophomore I had a class with him,he was a freshmen and someone told that he likes me and like he knows me, he talked to me in the class i didn't know if he still did like me or not but sometimes he also was bothering me, why boy shows that love like that?.But I didn't like him neither I felt was I feeling for my freshmen boy, I didn't know if he knew that freshmen boy like me but he a lot time did things that got him jealous like one time he was hearing music and he put a earphone to me,I was hearing the music with him but then i took the earphone and give to him because I saw the freshmen boy was mad,also one time he took something from me and I had be chansing him so he give to me back he made me say bad words and every time I did the freshmen boy laughed and other time too he was on my group on class and he was talking to me, he was looking at me and then he touched my hand and then he was bothering me with his feet I knew that freshman boy was looking at us and he was kind mad and jealous and I kinda liked feel that he was jealous of me because he showed that he cares about me.His friend one time that I was in other class he told me if I want to date him but I didn't said anything because i didn't know why sometimes the only thing I felt for him was disgust.I also liked others boy but none of them made me feel what I felt with my freshmen boy.I even started to like rap music just because of him.

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