Part 6

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I woke up and stretched, I got out of bed and slowly walked down stairs, the maid handed me a mug and I chugged it.

"Thank you" I said and walked back up stairs, I walked to the bathroom and turned the knob, 'why is it locked?'  I thought.

A few seconds later the door opened and I saw a grumpy looking Dojoon, "Morning Sammie" He said and yawned, I smiled.

"Morning Dojoon" I replied and went in to the bathroom, I closed the door and took a shower, it was a good 20 minutes before I got out.

The mirrors were fogged up, I combed my hair and walked back to my room, I laid back down and scrolled through social media on my phone. 

I get bored and text (X) 'HI' I said, 'hey, what's up?' she asked 'nothing bored, help' I said, she replied with 'haha ok'.

I smile and text back 'yay' I get up and send the maid out for some human food, I clean up the house and straighten everything up.

The maid came back and we put all the food away, I smile "thank you so much Mrs. Yoona" I said to the maid, she nodded and smiled.

The doorbell rang and Mrs. Yoona walked away to answer it, The guys came in to the kitchen playfully pushing each other.

I sighed "guys I have someone over, could you act human please?" I asked, my face lit up when (X) walked in.

"Hey Sammie" She said and gave me a hug, I hugged back and pulled her up the stairs and into my room to keep her away from the others.

For right now anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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