Part 3

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I was talking to (X) and watching a Kdrama called Blood, which is about a vampire doctor, it's kind of ironic since i'm a vampire.

Their was a knock on the door and I went down to open it, but the maid was already their  "master their is someone named Suho outside" She informed me.

I smiled warmly at her "Thank you" I said and stepped outside "what do you want?" I asked bitterly when I saw my cousin.

Suho smiled "wow that's a nice way to treat a relative" Suho said I smiled coldly at him "Why are you here?" I questioned.

"The wolves and I have a proposal to make" he said I leaned against the side of my mansion "what kind of proposal?" I questioned.

"One that will bring peace between our kinds" Suho informed me "What is it?" I asked curiously "you marry one of ours" Suho said. 

I scrunched  my face up with disgust at the idea "why would we ever do that?" I asked, Suho smiled evilly.

"because, if you don't we'll kill more, your friends clan was just the beginning" Suho answered, I grabbed Suho by the throat.

"Like hell, we will not unite with filthy mutts like you" I spat and dropped him to the ground. Suho slowly stood back up.

"Fine, have it your way, but we'll be back" he said, his voice like venom, then he turned and left, I smiled and walked back into the house and laid down on the couch.

The maid came back in "Master Sammie, do you need anything?" she asked her voice sweet and kind, I nodded "could you go pick up this girl named (X)?" I asked.

She nodded and walked out, I texted (X) to let her know that someone was picking her up and she said okay, I watched my kdrama and closed my eyes, waiting for (X) to arrive.

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