(Red Hood) Stalker Problem Part 3: Knight In A Red Hood

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Jason pov

The room had a fireplace, a large window with a seat built into it, a large wardrobe big enough a person could hide in, and a canopy bed with the curtains tied back. Torches and the lit fire placed painted dancing shadows on the walls along with the chandelier in the center of the room. There was also a vanity and sitting there was none other then (Y/n). She was wearing a red gown with large sleeves at the end with golden bands just right above the elbow and along the neckline. There was a silver belt that had tassels hanging from her waist. Her hair held the crown that was stolen a month ago upon her head.

"He must have put the mind-control chip there.", I think to myself. I slowly moved towards her and frowned underneath the helmet. Her eyes held no emotion and she looked like a living doll as she stared blankly at the mirror. She didn't even react when I step into her line of sight in the mirror's reflection. I was about to take the crown off when I heard footsteps on the stairs.

I quickly made my way to the wardrobe and slipped inside. I left it open just enough I could see out but unless you opened it, you couldn't see in. Prince Charming comes with two guards and looks around the room. These ones didn't look to be mind-controlled so they must be here by choice.

"We have ten guards total my lord.", one says.

"Good. Now I want at least 4 stationed at the bottom of the tower on the other side of that door.", Charming responds.

"What of the 25 mind-controlled squires?", the other one asks.

"Have them sweep the floor or something."


"I have matters to attend to my princess. I will return shortly so do not leave thy tower."

(Y/n) nods and the three left. I waited until I was sure they were gone before leaving my hiding place. I walked over to (Y/n) and touched her shoulder. When she didn't respond, I knew I had to get that crown off of her. I tried to reach for it but seems Charming had given her an order not to let that happen. She charged at me trying to land a punch on me. I dodge each blow and when that didn't work she had plan b.

She opened her mouth to scream so I clamped a hand over her mouth. She struggled to break free, but I held her tight. She wiggled out of my grip and ran towards the door. I chased after her and tackled her to the bed that was near the door. We landed on the bed with me holding her wrists in one hand above her head and straddling her waist.

I used my free hand to yank the crown off of her head and throw it at the vanity. When it came off, she blinked her eyes and looked at me confused.

"J-jay?", she asked scared.

"Yeah. It's me."

"Why are you dressed like that? Where are we? What's going on? Why are you-mhp!", she didn't get to finish as I kissed her after moving the mouth piece.

"I'm glad you're safe."

"I guess you really are my knight."

"Only for you Princess."

I help her up and explained what was going on then put the mouth-guard back down. When she heard about the 25 prisoners she told me to save them. I couldn't really say no so I knock out the four guards at the bottom of the tower and made my way to where some were. (Y/n) stayed behind in an abandoned hallway while I freed the 10 in the room but I heard (Y/n) scream after I saved the last one. I rush out and saw her get dragged to the throne room so I chased after them. Fighting the guards and squires as I went. I knocked off the things controlling the squires as I went.


(Y/n) pov

I screamed when I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist but it gets cut off when a hand covers my mouth. Someone gagged me and tied my hands behind my back. I get dragged into the throne room and thrown onto the throne. Charming looked very mad and there were only two guards left with him. Jason bursts into the room with a sword and starts to fight the guards.

"Time to end this.", Charming says as he draws his own sword. He charged at Jason after he took the last guard. I couldn't do anything but watch as they blocked each others blows


Jason pov

I was looking for an opening when Charming kicked me in the stomach and I fell to my knees.

"Say goodbye knave!", Charming yells as he raises the sword above his head. I roll to dodge the blow and swipe his feet out from under him. When he landed I pointed my sword at his throat.

"I prefer good knight instead of goodbye.", I said before I used the pommel of the sword to knock him out.


(Y/n) pov

I watch as Jason took him down and walk over to me. He cuts me free and takes off the gag. Once free, I leaped at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He spins me around and I just giggle before he puts me down.

"'Good knight?' Really?", I asked after he puts me down.

"Oh hush."

"Whatever you say Red Hood Knight.", I giggle at him.

"Really? Red Hood Knight?"

"Yeah. Maybe you should keep this look."

"Nope. I am only a knight for you."

"Awww am I your princess then?"

"Most definitely."

He takes me to his bike and drives us home. Once there he removes his helmet and kisses me.

"I could get used to you in this.", I said after we pull apart.

"You wish.", he said as he wraps his arms around my waist while I put my arms around his neck.

"Either way you're my hero."

"Always for you, Princess."

We change out of our clothes and into our sleepwear. We then cuddle on the couch underneath a blanket.

"I love you.", he says as he kisses my temple.

"I love you too.", I said as we slowly fell asleep.


(Author Note: And that Trainers, was the stalker series. Thank you for joining me in these tales of the Batboys. If you have a request please let me know and I'll do my best. I will still be writing, I just have to figure out what since the series is done.)

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