(Nightwing) Stalker Problems: Part 1: The Stalking

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(Y/n)'s pov

Today was a normal day in Blüdhaven or as normal of a day as it can be in this city. I was just finishing up my shift at the diner "Gus's Diner" when I found something odd in the small work locker to go get my purse. A folded piece of paper fell out of the locker and onto the ground next to my black flat covered feet. Thinking it was a note from the owner Gus telling me not to overwork myself again, I picked it up and opened it. What was written inside made me blink  my (e/c) eyes in confused surprise.

"You look lovely today."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion while thinking "Did Dick ask Gus to put this in here for him?"

Shrugging my shoulders I threw it away and went out the door to head to my shared apartment with my boyfriend of 2 years Dick Grayson. Since it was during the afternoon I didn't feel too concerned about being mugged and the apartment was only 6 blocks away. Once reaching our floor, I took out my keys to unlock the door but before I could even put it in the lock, it swings open to revel Dick himself with a big goofy grin on his face.

"Hey babe, how was work?", he asks as he tugs me inside to give a big hug and close the door.

"Like it is everyday. But I do have a question for you.", I reply with a grin and peck his cheek. He takes my arm and tugs me over to the living room and wraps me back up in his arms. "Oh? Is that so? Tell me on the couch because I just want to cuddle before I have to go on patrol."

"Sounds good to me. I just need to get out of my work clothes first.", I giggle.

"But I want to cuddle now!", he pouts.

~Time skip~

After getting out of Dick's hug of death, I mean hug of love, I exchange my black 3/4 long sleeve shirt, black pants, and black flats for a comfy t-shirt, jeans, and ankle socks. I then precede to join a pouting Dick on the couch watching the T.V. When he sees me, he immediately stops pouting and wraps me up in his arms while laying back down. With a giggle I snuggle up to Dick and stare at his blue eyes and black hair while he is staring at the screen. He looks down and with a smirk, he kisses my nose and says "Is there something on my face?"

"No not really." I smile at him.

"Didn't you say something you had something to ask me?"

"Did you ask Gus to put a note in my work locker when you came over for lunch?"

"No, why?", he asks with a confused look.

"Nothing really. Must been my co-worker Erica, it said I was looking lovely today."

"Maybe. She notices new things to say something nice to a friend."


We then spent the rest of our time cuddling until evening came and Dick went out on patrol as Nightwing.

~Time Skip a few months~

As the months past I had been getting more and more notes. Each note was getting more and more concerning after each one. I had also noticed that there seemed to be a group of customers that showed up everyday at my exact shift. Every time the leader saw me, he smiled and it gave me the creeps. Like there was something in his brown eyes that I just couldn't figure out. There was also the feeling of being watched and followed every time I left the diner for home. I would have told Dick but he had been called back to Gotham to help his family out on a case. I didn't even want to call him about the notes and feelings since he seems so stressed on this case. Turns out a new mafia boss had showed up but the Bats couldn't find his base of operations nor his top henchmen. The only clue they had was his name: Jace Burson. They didn't even know what he looks like. As the shift came to its end, Gus came over to me and my good friend Erica. He runs a hand through his gray hair and looks down at us with a small smile. "Lilly is sick and there is no one I can call in on such short notice. Can you two stay until closing time at 7:30?"

"I have no problem with that." Erica gives a smile to our old gentle boss.

Giving a nod I reply, "Sure just let me text Dick. He wants me to tell him every time I have to be out at dark."

"That would be the cop side of him.", Erica giggles

"I know. He can't help it."

With a haughty chuckle, Gus pats my back and heads back into his kitchen.

"Doing over-time. Thought to let you know."

"Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I can't pick you up."

"It's fine. Hope your family is behaving."

"They're not. Jason is currently running away from Damian and his sword."

"Better go save him then. Love you."

"Love you too. Stay safe."

~Time Skip~

I waved goodbye to Erica and Gus as I left the diner to head to home. On the way there something unexpected happened. About a block away from home I was grabbed by the arm and into an alley. Before I could even scream, a cloth was placed on my mouth. As I slowly lost conciseness a voice says, "About time I catch you. Don't worry, I'll take very good care of you."

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