Bonus: Epilogue

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Seven Years Later:

"Squishy! Use Extreme Speed!" Bonnie yelled. She was now fourteen years old and Squishy had join her.

As Squishy rushed towards Greninja in his ten percent form, (since using fifty percent form would destroy the roof and using the perfect get the idea) Ash ordered Greninja in their Ash-Greninja form:"Now Greninja, use Double Team!!!"

Greninja then create multiple copies of himself causing Squishy to crash into a giant boulder on the rock battlefield.

"No, Squishy! Please get up!" Bonnie yelled and Squishy gets back on his feet.

"Alright way to hang in there, Squishy! Now use Dragon Pulse!!!" Bonnie ordered.

"Heh heh, thought so! Greninja use Dragon Doom!" Ash ordered

"D-Dragon Doom? What's that?" Bonnie asked nervously, knowing that it wouldn't be good for Squishy.

Squishy fired a multi-coloured dragon shaped beam at Greninja, while Greninja released a combination move of Ice Beam and Dragon Pulse into one beam of ice and draconic energy. Bonnie's eyes widened in horror as both attacks collide, but the combination move repelled back the Dragon Pulse and hit Squishy at full force. Squishy groaned in pain as he was struct by his own move and the combination move at the same time. Even he was hit with both super effective attacks, it still didn't took him out, but he didn't look well either. (Considering the fact that he was still the legendary order Pokemon after all)

"Squishy! Are you okay?" Bonnie asked worryingly and he nodded.

"Alright then Squishy, strike Greninja with Thousand Waves!!!" Bonnie yelled.

"Quick! Greninja, Ice Beam! Go!" Ash ordered.

Greninja fired a beam of frozen energy towards Squishy. Since took time for Squishy to convert himself into waves of cells, he took the attack head on, but managed to pull through and hit Greninja with a wave of cells, dealing alot of damage.

"As soon as it turns back to normal, hit it with Night Slash!" Ash countered and Squishy stumbled back in pain as he was slashed hard by the blade of dark energy, as soon he reformed to his ten percent form.

Both Squishy and Greninja were panting hard as both trainers ordered...

"Greninja, let's finish this! Use Icy Shuriken!!!" Ash yelled.

"Squishy finish Greninja off with Core Enforcer!!!" Bonnie yelled desperately.

Greninja yanked the shuriken from his back and held it over his head as it grew in size, his hands then glowed light blue as he shifted the icy energy to the shuriken making it glow light blue and threw it towards Squishy at full force. While Squishy fired a green beam of draconic energy at Greninja. Both attacks collided and both trainers heard a 'thud' sound, knowing that one of them have fainted.


When the smoke clears, Squishy was lying on the ground before reverting back to his core form and his cells goes back where they came from. While Greninja was on one knee, panting heavily.

"Zygarde is unable to battle! Greninja wins. So the match goes to the Kalos Champion, Ash Ketchum!!!" The referee announced and the crowed roared in excitement.

"And once again, folks! The Champion have sucessfully defended his title once more!" The MC announced.

"Alright! We did it again, Greninja!" Ash yelled as he ran up to Greninja and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah! We've done it again, Ash!" Greninja replied happily.

Bonnie then returned Squishy back to his pokeball and thanked him before approaching Ash,"Thanks for the battle Ash, for now I will train harder and challenge you again, we'll battle again, right?" Bonnie smiled as she held her hand to Ash.

"Sure thing, Bonnie we'll battle again sometime" Ash replied as he shook her hand.

Ash and Greninja then head back to their mansion. As soon as he reached, he was hugged tightly by his eight year old son, Sun. While Serena smiled and waved at him happily.

"That was a great, battle Dad! I can't wait to start my own journey and become strong as you, dad" Sun exclaimed.

"I'm sure you'll be a great trainer when you start your journey, son and I'll be waiting until you challenge me too, deal?" Ash asked.

"You bet! Dad! It's a promise" Sun replied.

Ash looked around at his family and Pokemon all of them with a happy experssion on their faces, he knew that they will have a great time together for one long time. His son was looking foward to his journey and he will be facing alot of strong opponents as the years to come. He then turned his head to Greninja.

"It's good to be back together isn't it, Greninja?" Ash asked.

"Yes it is, Ash. It's good to be back" Greninja replied.

Both trainer and Pokemon moved towards one another and hugged each other tightly. Serena, Sun and the rest of the Pokemon joined the hug as they embraced each other for one long time.

And this story is done!!!

Tell me what you think in the comments below!

I will be publishing more chapters for "The Return Of The Betrayed" also I will also be starting a new fanfic soon. So, I hope you all have a good day/night and I'll see you all in the next story!!!

-Pikatoshi peace out-

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