Chapter 8: Reunited

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As soon as Pikachu and Serena have left to room and was getting Greninja and after Ash had returned back his Pokemon. He started to feel scared and guilty about the decision to talk to Greninja again. He wasn't angry at him anymore, but his abandonment still stung him a little.

Still, he needed to thank Greninja for saving him anyway. If it wasn't for him, he would be left dead from the Beedrill's attack already. Heart beating with hope and fear, he took and deep breath and prayed to Arceus to atleast help him talk with his old friend.

Just in the nick of time, Greninja slowly opened the door with a nervous expression clearly shown on his face he then stepped in slowly walking towards the couch near his bed and sat down.

"Hey, Greninja." Ash greeted

"H-hey A-Ash." Greninja stammered, feeling a nervous sensantion inside of him. Internally feeling relieved that Ash didn't tried to yell or hurt him even more.

"First, can you tell me what happened back when you um-saved me?" Ash asked nervously.

"Of course, A-Ash." Greninja stuttered.

The Flashback: The Attack

"AHHH!!!" Ash yelled in pain.

Suddenly Greninja's eyes flashed open and looked towards to forest.

"Ash, no!! can you hear me?" Greninja tried to reached him with what remains of the bond phenomenon, but there was no response.

"Ash, I'm coming! Please Ash, please be okay!" Greninja thought.

After a few minutes of leaping on the branches, Greninja was horrified, Ash was unconcious and a swarm of Beedrill surrounding him, ready to attack him anytime.

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Greninja snarled, as he reached for his X's on his legs.

Greninja quickly compressed Water Shurikens over and over and threw them wildly at the Beedrills that was surrounding Ash causing it to flew away in fear. He then lept towards Ash and knelt beside him, his anger dissippated and sadness took it's place instead.

"Ash! Ash! Please wake up, you've gotta to be okay!" Greninja pleaded and started to shake him, but there was not a single response.

Greninja then proceed to carry Ash in his arms and started to head back to the mansion.

"I'm sorry Ash, I'm sorry. I should have p-protected you better, I should have known better than just t-to abandon you like my other trainers and n-now this happened and it's my fault for not being to save you" Greninja cried while carrying Ash in his arms, as his tears dropped on his face.

As quick as flash, Greninja slammed the door open as soon as he reached the mansion not even caring who's going to notice or not.

"What's going here!!!", Serena asked as she ran to the front door."Greninja?" But as soon her eyes glazed over to her husband, she screamed;"ASH!!! Oh My Arceus! What happened to him? Greninja, quick! Bring him this way!" Serena yelled as he quickly followed.

"Greninja please, I need you to let go of him so I can treat him first." Serena said gently.

"No! No! I'm not leaving him here!!!" Greninja refused vehemently. Of course, Serena could only understand when Greninja shook his head.

"Fine." she sighed."But keep him still okay? So I can treat him properly." Serena replied.

A Few Hours Later:

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