Entry 10 - Your Typical Wedding Night

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's an arranged marriage. It's not like we wanted this. But you're the only guy I've ever kissed, so I guess you kiss good for a guy."


"Sure, now go to bed."

"Because one time, someone said I kissed like a twelve-year-old girl."

"Well, how old were you?"

"Twelve." He started laughing, and I didn't know whether or not to be offended.

"Well that explains it. I'm pretty sure that stuff you kept drinking tonight was champagne."

"Alan said it was grape juice."

"Let me assure you, it was not grape juice."

"So Alan lied to me?"

"Yeah, I think so."


"Yes, he is, now go to bed." I sighed in anger at my friend's betrayal, and lay back down.

Perhaps we would have fallen asleep then, if my stomach hadn't chosen that moment to let my hunger be known to the world.

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing.


"I can't stop! And I'm so hungry!" I rolled over until I was laying next to him. "Take me somewhere to get food?"

"No! Alex, it's so late."



"Pretty please?"

"The physical appearance of the please is not going to change my answer."

"Thomas, have a heart." He closed his eyes, and pretend to go to sleep.

"Tommy..." he clenched his jaw, but otherwise ignored me. "Thomas the train engine."

"Alex, please go to bed. You are acting like a child."

"Thats because I'm so hungry. Please take me to get some food." I sighed, and laid my head down on his chest. He instantly stiffened, and pushed me away.

"Alex, scoot over." Blame the alcohol in my system for my reaction. Tears pricked my eyes, and I scooted away from him quickly, burying my face in my pillow.

He was quite for a few seconds.

"Are you really that hungry?" I popped my head up, and wiped my eyes.

"Yes, I'm starving." He sighed again, and sat up.

"Let's go."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Now get some shoes on before I change my mind."

"Okay!" I jumped up and down a few times before digging through my suitcase to find shoes.

A minutes later we were sneaking out as quietly as we could to his car. Even I realized that some people were trying to sleep. Once we reached his car, he turned towards me.

"Well, where are we going?"

"McDonald's! I need fries and ice cream!"

"I've never been, but okay. I thought you said you were hungry. How is that going to fill you?"

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