"You guys ready?" I asked my squad of Runaways "all good here" Brandon replied "let's do this" Hayden added. "Okay first we need to get the attention of some scarecrows,Andy you got the system set up?" I asked peaking out from behind the corner of the deserted building we were hiding behind "yeah the sound should draw in some attention" Andy answered "okay good,no remember guys we don't shoot them or anything we need the armor intact so everyone hide we'll wait for them to walk by and surprise them" I instructed as we took over cover behind the trees and tall overgrown grass while Andy turned out his sound system,it made a small high pitched noise that attracted some attention from anime but no scarecrow yet. "Andy turn it up" Hayden said "I can't it doesn't get any louder" he explained,just then 2 scarecrows popped up from around the corner of the building "okay me and Hayden take these guys" I said giving Hayden the go ahead look "ready,set,go!" I commanded as Hayden and I burst out from behind the tree line and snapping both their necks before they had time to react,we stripped down the scarecrows and put on their armor "okay guys Hayden and I will go get 2 more scarecrows to come back here from get you guys some armor" I said before Hayden and I move out. "Hey" Hayden shouted out the masses of scarecrows "we need 2 more guys back here,we've got a small situation" he continued get 2 more scarecrows to follow us back to where Brandon and Andy were lying in wait for them "it's right back her we found these 2 guys dead against the building" I explained leading the 2 scarecrows back behind the building "what happened to them?" One the scarecrows asked "same thing as what's about to happen to you" Hayden responded,before either scarecrow knew what was going on Brandon and Andy popped up from their bidding spots and made quick work of them both,quickly stripping down their armor for themselves "okay guys quick it's 5:57 we need to get to one of the transport vehicles before they leave" informed the groups before we moved out to find one of the armored transports. We found one and left to find the scarecrows headquarters "are the others following us?" Brandon whispered "yeah I stuck a tracker signal into the side of the truck they're on their way" Andy whispered back to him,not to let the other scarecrows hear us "we rode in the transport for what felt like hours until we finally came to a stop and the back down dropped letting the light of the sunset in. We exited the transport and began followed the rest of the scarecrow into the large concrete structure in the deeps of the Aeon forest. "So this is the place" Hayden said starring down the large building "we should get Brent to blow the place up" he continued "Hayden we need the records inside,once we take down Rave we can break the whole building down with a sledgehammer if you want" I reasoned "fine,let's go" Hayden said as we caught up with the rest of the scarecrows "here's the plan,we wait until we can break away from the masses and get to the main office,kill anyone we need to just make sure we can do it quietly without causing a massive fight to break out got it?" I said as we entered the massive bruising,the interior of the building was bleak,large grey walls with hundreds of scarecrows walking around, we followed the group we came in with I to a large room full of beds and lockers,as everyone be and to take off their armor we did the same hoping the men we killed wouldn't be missed and cause suspension. Luckily we always wore out masks when we were out in the streets so they wouldn't be able to recognize us so we felt safe taking off our scarecrow disguise. "Now where do we go?" Andy asked "we wait until everyone asleep then move out to find the records,then we get the fuck out of this hell hole" I said sitting out in one of the vote removing my boots "okay,anyone have any idea where the main office would be?" Brandon ask,rustling his hair after removing his head year "most likely somewhere in the center of the building, Brandon you and me will search the left side of the building Andy and Hayden you look on the right side" I ordered,once we were all settled on the plan we waited until lights out and an we split up,being sure to take some small weapons in case the need for them comes up "if one of us find the office radio the others and we'll meet up to collect the document" Brandon said "agreed" I responded "let's move" I followed up with as we went our separate ways. Brandon and I moved down the hallways,scanning the rooms looking for one that would hold the records we were looking for "I don't like this place man" Brandon said,he seemed nervous about being in this place,he knew he was a good shot with his gun but not good enough to take out all of these scarecrows "me either man,we just need to get the records and get out" I said putting me hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves "Brandon Nick we found the room" Andy's voice said coming over the radio "let's go" I said making a quick 180 and heading down the hallways the same way we came "right" Brandon said following quickly behind me. We began to pick up the pace while trying to stay as quiet as possible "hey you two! What are you doing out of the sleeping quarters?" A voice called before a scarecrow came out of the shadows facing us "umm" Brandon paused "we thought we heard some noise down this way,sounded like a struggle" I interjected "hmm, alright let's go check it out" the scarecrow said directing is to follow him "umm,okay yeah sure you lead the way" I spoke as the the scarecrow turned and began to walk in the direction of Andy and Hayden "what are you doing we can't lead a scarecrow to them what if he calls for backup?" Brandon whispered in an angry hush "relax I've got his" I whispered back. I began to slowly follow the scarecrow motioning for Brandon to follow before slowly drawing the small hunting knife I had taken with me "hey umm do you know what the records room is?" Brandon asked the scarecrow we were following "what? Yeah is down the hall to the left what are you new or something?" He answered turning his neck toward Brandon continuing to walk forward while circles around his blind side to the front "no just needed and excuse to have you turn around" Brandon responded with an evil smirk just them the scarecrows neck snapped back to be surprised by me quickly jabbing my knife into his chest while Brandon came from behind and snapped his neck. We never get use our tag team kills anymore. "Okay well now that he's dead we should probably run cause if there's one scarecrow patrolling the halls there's bound to be more" I explained just then we here foot steps on the way down the hall "well speak of the devil let's get the fuck out of here" Brandon said as we bolted,we came to the end of the hall and hung a left and found the room with Andy and Hayden in it "hey guys so we had to kill a scarecrow on the way down here and they're probably about to find his boys any minute so we should get the fuck out of here now" I said barging into the room. "Okay well we have a problem" Hayden said "what's that?" Brandon asked "well while we were going through the records we found this" Andy said turning a computer screen towards us "what's that?" I asked,staring at what looked like security camera footage of people in hospital beds "The Raves having scarecrows abduct civilian and holding them in a medical research center 20 miles out from here,he's using them for test subjects to try and create mind control chips" Hayden explained "fucking Christ dude" I exclaimed "we gotta get those people out of there how many are there?" I asked "only a few the rest died or found away out" Andy explained. "Okay we've got to go get them out,andy get Dave on the radio call him in and tell him where to go so we-" "there are intruders in the building! Find them!" A voice from outside the door shouted breaking me from my thought "fuck dude how do we get out now" Hayden asked,I wasn't sure I tried to think of an escape rout when I got it "the air vents,Hayden Brandon give andy an lift and pull the hatch" I directed as I hurried to find something to keep the scarecrows out. I found a broom in a supply closet and stuck it through the handle to the room preventing the door from being opened "okay that should by us some time quick Hayden me help give Brandon a boost" I ordered once andy was in the vent,we got Brandon up their next then I helped push Hayden in. Once he was in I jumped and grabbed Brandon and Hayden hands to pull me in,just as half of my body was in we heard pounding at the door. The door flung side open to a flood of armed men pouring I to the room to find no on there. "Okay just follow the vents it's got to lead to an exist somewhere" I assured the men as we began to crawl through the cramped air ducts full of dust and cob webs "okay so here the plan for the research facility. Get Dave Benn and Brent to meet us at the old Luna's place I saw a old truck in their garage hopefully we can get it running and drive it out there to rescue them all" I said continuing to army crawl through the dusty vents "let's hope nothin goes wrong" Hayden said. But of course something would,something always happens

Rise of The Runaways (Crown The Empire story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ