Chapter 9- she's awake

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Charlie's P.O.V

I've been right by Kelsey's side every day for the last 3 months that she has been in her coma. The doctor says she does have more chance of surviving as she is getting stronger everyday, but there is still a slight possibility that she might die which is heart braking. This is all my fault I really don't want Kelsey to die I love her too much and she is my whole entire world I really don't want to lose her. Kelsey is honestly the most gorgeous, smart, funny and talented girl I've ever met and I never thought I would meet a girl like her. Kelsey Rose just has the most beautiful smile in the world as when she smiles the whole world lights up and her laugh it just the cutest thing. When I first met Kelsey I was so confused on why she was on insecure as she is just perfect in every way but now I understand why, it's because of guys like me breaking her heart. I never meant to hurt Kels she was so broken and I promised to fix her but I clearly damaged her more. She's here in this hospital bed right now fighting for her life because of me, I made her feel so worthless to the point she just wanted to give up and that hurts because I can't lose her not now not ever. I mean I can't lose her now as I haven't even got the chance to ask her to be my wife. I was planning on our one year anniversary taking her back to when we bumped into each other to propose to her but I guess it's too late now as I'm such a screw up and looking back I do regret pouring coffee all over her. She was right all this time I called her the child when it was me that went and did the most childish thing but it also made me realise one of my favourite things about Kelsey, the fact that she can be so angry and upset with you but she would still do anything for you.

I was blinded by tears at this point but I really don't care I just want my Kelsey Rose back, I would do anything to hold her in my arms right now and tell her it's ok because I'm always going to be right by her side.

"Hey excuse sir but why are you crying?" Someone asked as I looked up, it was Kelsey.

Wait did she just call me sir? I mean I know she shot herself in the head but the doctors didn't say anything about memory lose.

"Because I love you." I said as she laughed.

"Don't get me wrong, you are very good looking but how can you love someone you don't know?" She said/ asked as I felt my heart break.

I just stared at her for a moment as I didn't know what to say.

"Hello can you tell me where I am?" Kelsey asked.

"Hospital." I said.

"Oh right do you know why?" She asked.

"I don't know how to say this but you tried to kill yourself." I said as she laughed.

"You're funny, what's your name?" She asked as my heart sank.

Why does she think that killing herself is funny? And that really stung but I tried to hide the fact that she hurt me so I just smiled at her.

"I'm Charlie Puth." I said as she stared blankly at me.

"Nope sorry I don't think I know anyone called Charlie." She said.


"I'm your boyfriend well ex." I said as she laughed at me again.

"Charlie? Right well I'd think I'd remember if I had a boyfriend but we can be friends." She said as her doctor came rushing in.

"Kelsey you are awake." Dr Brown said.

"Is that my name?" She asked looking at me as I nodded.

"Well you like being called Kelsey Rose as Rose is your middle name." I said as she smiled.

"Ah yes as my Dad used to call me his little Kelsey Rose." She said as I smiled.

"Well Kelsey it looks like you have amnesia, so Charlie may I have a word?" Dr Brown said/asked.

"Charlie I like that name." Kelsey said as me and Dr Brown left the room.

"So how bad is it?" I asked as he sighed.

"Well she will get her memory back but it will take time, so I need you to be there for her. I mean it Charlie she needs someone to tell her get her memory back and it will take baby steps so don't get angry when she forgot who you are all the time. She will remember in time as she did have quite a big blow to the head." He said.

"How long do you think it will take for her to get her memory back fully?" I asked as he took a deep breath in.

"Honestly Charlie I don't know as it could be weeks, months or even years." Dr Brown said as Kelsey's mum walked in.

She saw that I was crying so she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Charlie." She said as we pulled out of the hug.

"No Kayleigh I'm the one that should be sorry as this is all my fault." I said as she took a deep breath in.

"No Charlie you love my daughter more than anything in the world, every couple fights but Kelsey isn't as strong as she makes out to be. It's hard for a mother to admit this but it's my fault as I was the one that told Kelsey when she was 10 years old that I hated her, I told her if she thought her Dad was so great she should go live with him. I made my own daughter depressed, I made her feel unloved and all you have ever done Charlie was love her but you love her too much to the point she felt bad as she has never had anyone love her the way you do. She is not used to be told that she is gorgeous all the time or being cuddle 24/7 and I never gave her the love she deserved so it made her believe she is unloveable. Grow up Shawn was her only friend as she felt as if she didn't deserve any friends and she bottled herself up to the point if you lightly touched her she was brake. So no Charlie it's not your fault in fact it's nine because I broke my beautiful baby girl not you." Kayleigh said as tears fell down both of our faces.

"Kayleigh honestly Kelsey always talks about you and how she screw up so don't blame yourself either. As Kelsey may be broken but she has the biggest heart in the world and she never blamed you, she forgive you. I remember one night me and Kels were talking about our biggest regrets and she turned around and said to me not telling my mum I understand why she pushed me away. She knew how much your divorce hurt you and she knows that she is the double of her Dad and he was the love of your life and she was just a reminder of what you use to have." I said as Kayleigh began to cry on my shoulder.

"Mum?" We both heard someone ask and we turn around to see a shocked looking Kelsey.

Kelsey remember her mum which must feel so great for Kayleigh but It hurts watching someone you love remember other people but you. As I watch them hug I decide to walk away, I mean Kelsey doesn't need me now as she's got her mum.

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