Chapter 2- The Interview

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Today is kinda a chill day but first I have to do a couple of interviews as there is only a week until tour. I'm excited for the tour but I'm nervous to meet Charlie Puth as what if he hates me? Wait why do I care? My best friend Shawn asked me to go on tour with him not Charlie.

In the interview they asked me questions like what happened between me and youtuber Lee Hinchcliffe. Ok I lied to you guys I have been in love but I got my heart broken as he cheated on me and used long distance as an excuse but it really wasn't. I mean he basically lived with me and our relationship seemed perfect I know it wasn't as we argued but so does every couple, I did everything for him and I put my life on hold because that's what you do when you think you have a future with someone. We only dated for a year and a half but I had a feeling we'd last forever as my family adored him and his family adored me and I really did see a future with him but I guess he didn't.

"So anyways Kelsey Rose do you have anything people may not know about you?" The interviewer asked.

"Well I do have a tiny scar above my eyebrow and you can't see it right now as I have makeup on. I got it because I was a little rebel when I was one and thought I could get out of my coat into my mum's bed but I missed and smashed my head of the bed." I said as there were a few ooos and a few laughs.

"Charlie Puth has a scar on his eyebrow as well and he will be also joining Shawn on tour, have you met him yet?" He said/asked.

"Yeah but Charlie's scar is cooler than mine and no I haven't yet." I said.

"Do you think Charlie's hot?" He asked as I blushed.

"Maybe I do or maybe I don't but Charlie's a little older than me as you know from a ex I like them younger." I said as he laughed.

Yeah but he's only what 6 years older as you're 20 and I think he's about 26 yeah so that's not really a huge difference." He said

"Puppies are cute right?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"We have Charlie coming in later, what would you like to say to him?" He asked as I laughed.

"Omg I can't believe you, hi Charlie Puth I'm a big fan of your music so I'm looking forward to meeting you on tour." I said.

Charlie's P.O.V

Today I have a few interviews to promote going on tour with Shawn and his best friend Kelsey? I think that's her name. I decided to Google her because it will be embarrassing going on tour with someone you only know because Shawn talks about her. I clicked on one of her covers which happens to be my song attention, damn this girl can sing. Attention has quite a deep meaning behind it but she has slowed it right down and it's hitting me in the feels, like who hurt her?

"Charlie we need to leave." My sister shouts,

"Coming." I shout back.

My interview was going quite well and they asked the usual questions like who do I like? Or who are my songs about?

"So Charlie you are going on tour with Shawn Mendes and his best friend are you excited?" The interviewer asked.

"Yeah of course like I love Shawn he is my buddy and I'm excited to meet Kelsey Rose. Actually I was listening to one of her covers before coming here and her voice is amazing." I said.

"Yeah she is super talented and she has about 10 million on you tube and she has a vlogging chanel which she daily vlogs on." He said as my mouth flew open in shock.

"How does she do it because I couldn't vlog my life and be a new artist." I said as they all laugh.

"I think it's because she made her name by vlogging and singing on YouTube so just wants to continue as she is a really sweet girl. Actually we had her in earlier and we asked her to give you a message." He said playing the video.

Aww she's a sweetheart and she looks so fit, no Charlie she's only 20.

"Aww that was sweet of her." I said.

"Do you think she is pretty and she is recently single." He said as I laughed.

"I mean she is but she is a bit young and who was her boyfriend?" I said/asked.

"She used to date fellow youtuber Lee Hinchcliffe, they seemed like the perfect couple even voted hottest couple on YouTube. She even said herself their relationship was grate expect from the odd argument so it shocked her as well when she found out her cheated on her." The interviewer said.

"Oh what a dick, he had everything but he throw it away someone are just idiots." I said as my sister/manger came in.

"Hey guys can you wrap this up please as charlie needs to go?" Mikaela asked.

"Yeah sure, anyways guys that was Charlie puth and this is his new single the way I am." He said.

We thanked him and his team before leaving.

I feel sorry for Kelsey the boy is a dickhead as he had everything, the most amazing girl, perfect life as she did everything for him. Why would you cheat on a girl as hot as that? Wait what the hell? Why am I getting angry? I bet Shawn wanted to kill him, I know I would of.

From Nothing to my everything  (Charlie Puth fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt