Andy-The Famous One

Start from the beginning

*Inside the stadium*

You all pushed to the front and waited to see the beautiful men who had saved your life walk on stage, instead a weedy looking technician walked on and cleared his throat, everyone fell silent and once they had he spoke,

"We're sorry folks but the concert is going to be delayed for a little while as the bassist of our headlining act has not turned up yet" 

You looked at the others and all shared the same silent thought, '!'

You flashed your passes to the security guard and went to the green room to see the band who were all either pacing or texting or on the phone, your eyes fell instantly on Andy in the corner of the room texting who you guessed was Ashley.

You silently tiptoed over leaving Axl and Lauren at the door.

"Excuse me?....A..Andy?" Damn your stutter! Not the right time to appear!

He looked at you,

"Sorry we don't exactly have time to talk to our fans right now as you can see we're kind of missing a bassist!"

You jumped back a little when he shouted,

"I..I know..... thats w..why I'm here I saw A..Ash on my drive up here...he was going into my neighbour's house earlier, thought you'd want to know."

You turned to leave but a strong arm stopped you and pulled you back,

"Would you take me there?"

You nodded and headed off to your car giving the band and your friends a silent nod, all of them knowing exactly where you were going.

You drove for half an hour before you got to your neighbour's house, you discovered a lot about Andy you never thought you'd know.

He found out all about you, about how you've been single your whole life, you self harm every night then cry yourself to sleep, how your parents left you to starve when you were nine, everything.*I didn't know about your past Brooke so I just picked some pretty bad shtuff and went with that* He had listened then talked and you did the same. As you pulled up to Beth's house Andy bolted out hammering on the door.

"ASHLEY!" No reply

He kicked the door in and ran upstairs tearing open Beth's bedroom door,


You were still in the car and all you could do was whimper as Andy tore back down the stairs looking infuriated followed by a timid and scared looking Ashley Purdy.

He noticed your whimper and softened his expression hugging you softly, he smelt of lynx and tobacco, yum.....

You broke the hug as Ash finished buckling himself in.

"Andy..." Ash hadn't even started before Andy interrupted him,

"No Ash!, No more excuses! This happens again and you will be leaving the band." Andy face forward and let his hand rest in yours which was on

the gear stick, neither of you pulled away.

'I wonder if this relaxes him?....' You couldn't help but wonder.

You got back to the stadium to find the whole place empty and a note from the guys;

Andy, Ash and Brooke;

We're on the bus come find us when you have Ashley.

Jake,Jinxx,CC,Axl and Lauren.

P.s Lauren says she left something for Andy and Brooke under the sofa? We don't know anything about it. Just look..

You placed the letter down and Ashley slunk off to the bus feeling sorry for himself.

Andy walked over to the sofa in the room and reached under it.

There was a box. There was YOUR box.

This box contained your blades,gun,rope and condoms.*what? best place to keep 'em ;)*

He opened it and took one out giving you the box back,

"I don't want to know why you have that stuff but, oh well."

He held up the condom and crooked his arm for you to take,

"Shall we Miss.Brooke?"

You giggled and nodded, before you knew it you were on your back breathless in Andy's bunk with him next to you.

" was amazing" You could hardly breathe, you were just about to get up to dress when strong arms pulled you back,

"Before you go Brooke," Andy was whispering right in your ear and his velvet voice was making you melt, "I love you....will you be mine and tour with us?...."

You turned over so you were facing him,

"Of course I will Andy, I love you too"

You two sealed the deal with a kiss and fell asleep in each others arms.

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