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Kenzie's POV

Today is Friday and I'm getting ready for Lauren's party. I am meeting everyone at Lauren's since I needed to do something's for Maddie so I told everyone that I'll see them at Lauren's house.

My outfit

My outfit

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(Hair same in the 1st pic)

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(Hair same in the 1st pic)

I ran downstairs and saw Maddie talking with the other Maddie. Johnny's sister.

"Aw, look at lil sexy Kenzie." Maddie (Ziegler) teased.

"Thanks Maddie." I said.

"My brother and sisters should have enough booze and food. Just don't get raped, laid, too drunk, too high-" Maddie O said but My sister but her off.

"Nope! Kenzie you're not gonna get high, drink. AND ESPECIALLY HAVE SEX, GET PREGNANT, THEN BECOME A MOM AT AGE 17!!!!" Maddie lectured.

"What makes you think I haven't had sex before?" I asked her.

"WHAT!" They yelled.

"Just kidding."

"Whew." They said.

"Or am I-" I left without letting them answer. I called an Uber to drop me off and they took me.

Once I arrived, it was packed. I got inside and it was like cliche teen party. Red solo cups scattered everywhere, drunken teens, people kissing, people grinding, and a few nerds who are just drinking water on a couch.

I saw Lauren and walked over to her. "Dang. Kenzie is smoking!" Lauren shouted over the music.

"Thanks Babe. I'm gonna get a drink. Your sister, Maddie. Gave me rules saying I could get drunk? High, but not get laid. What did SHE tell you?" I told her.

"She told me, don't get the house dirty and don't get pregnant. But I already broke one rule." She said;looking around.

"Omg, you're pregnant!" I joked.

"Fuck you." She said.

"Aw, I'm sorry but I'm not lesbian. Omg, you are?" I joked again, gaining a playful punch from my arm.

"Hey sexy." Someone said in my ear. Making shivers down my spine.

"Johnny. What do you want?" I asked him with a playful smirk on my face.

"You." He smirked.

"Nice try. Now, I'm gonna get a drink." I said.

"Since when do you drink?" Lauren asked.

"Shh." I then walked away and grabbed a drink. I mixed cherry cola with vodka and rum. It wasn't a good drink but most of it was vodka making me drunk as hell.

"Hey baby." Johnny said. Coming to me from behind.

"Hey." I replied and grabbed the bottle of vodka and poured some in my punch.

"You're looking fucking sexy it's turning me on." He whispered in my ear.

"Aw, I may be drunk but I know what you're saying."

"Oh do you?"

"Uh huh. Now, meet me in your room in 5. I wanna see for myself."

"See what?"

"Just meet me in your room. In five."

I smirked and walked away to his room. When I was upstairs, I heard moans. But the voice was too familiar. Lauren. I went to her room and put my ear to the door.

"Aw! William! Yes!" Lauren moaned. William!

"Baby? What about Carson. Isn't he dating you?" William asked. Shit! Carson!

"Fuck him. He was fucking me good. I mean GOOD! But he was literally fucking Jade yesterday. So now. I'm fucking you. And you don't talk to me ever again ok? Now shove your cock in me deeper. Hurry bastard!" Lauren yelled at him.

I literally almost vomited then went into Johnny's room where u saw Johnny already there. "I was thinking you were joking." He chuckled.

"I wasn't." He smirked and ran up to me, pressing his lips on mine.

"You sure?" He asked.

"More than I ever thought I would be." He smiled and so did I. That night, was the day I lost my virtue. The night I lost my innocence. The night I lost my virginity. It can never be taken back.

THINGS CHANGE| JENZIEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora