Chapter 7

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Wowowowow I can't believe this book is nearly over 0_0


When the news of Colin Creevey, a small first year, being petrified spread throughout the school Monday morning, Aludra fought hard to blink away her tears. Although Tom kept telling her that there was no Basilisk, she couldn't deny that the sequence of events were far too suspicious to be brushed off as nothing. On Saturday night, she'd woken up in a dark corridor again, not knowing how she got there. That same night, Colin's body was found and taken to the infirmary.

"Aludra, did you know him?" asked Hermione at lunch.

Aludra, startled, looked up from her empty plate to see that her friends had stopped sharing theories on what happened to Colin to watch her with concern. It was then that she noticed the wetness on her cheeks.

"I - no, I d-didn't. It's just...what happened to him is so terrible," she sniffled, wiping at her eyes. 

"It's not like he's dead or anything," said Ron. "Hell, the little bugger was annoying as hell, anyways. We'll finally have some peace and quiet around here instead of hearing 'Harry, Harry! Harry, can you sign the picture I took of you in your sleep?'."

Seamus, Dean and Neville laughed at the distasteful joke along with Ron while Hermione and Fay glared. Harry was incredibly uncomfortable.

"That's not funny!" Aludra yelled, silencing them all. "How can you laugh? Would you still be laughing if Hermione were to be attacked? Or any other muggleborn you're friends with?"

"Calm down, will ya? Once again, it's not like he's dead or anything!" said Seamus, grinning. 

"He got lucky, Seamus! There's no guarantee that the next victim will be, as well!" 

Neville stopped smiling and suddenly looked panicked. 

"Wait, Aludra's right! Maybe I ought to buy a newt's tail for protection, or something..."

"Neville, you are pureblood. You have nothing to worry about," Fay reminded him gently. 

"But everyone knows I'm almost a squib, and they went for Filch, first!"

"Stop it, Neville, you're fine. And Aludra," Ron looked at her skeptically. "I know you're nice and everything, but what's gotten into you? Look at you, you're a mess over all this!"

Aludra stared at him, stunned, before turning her eyes to her clean, golden plate before her. The tip of her nose was red and her hair, that usually had not a curl out of place, was frizzed out from lack of care on her part. Her bloodshot eyes were accompanied by dark bags underneath, a result of being too afraid to sleep due to her 'sleepwalking' and newly occurring nightmares. She could hear Fay scolding Ron for being so insensitive, but he was right. Guilt was consuming her over something she wasn't even sure if she did or not, and it was clear to everyone else that something was wrong with her.

Aludra counted down the days until Christmas break. At home, she had nothing to worry about apart from her friends forgetting to send her gifts directly to her window and aunts pinching her cheeks at the Winter Ball. The Winter Ball that was suddenly cancelled, according to Narcissa in a letter sent the next week. According to her, Lucius was busy with other affairs, far too occupied to even have the children at home, period. Aludra and Draco would be spending their Christmas at Hogwarts. 

One morning as Aludra, Fay and Neville made their way to class, they were stopped and waved over by Seamus and Dean, who were standing by a notice board along in the Entrance Hall with many other students. 

"They're starting a duelling club!" said Seamus excitedly. 

Neville and Fay grinned at Aludra.

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