Chapter 1

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If you don't like the actors I chose to portray certain character *cough* Ayush Tandon and Suraj Sharma as Harry *cough*, you are free to imagine the characters however you want.

But for the love of Hufflepuff, do not comment "hahahahaha no just no Harry was white lol" on the gifs. I already went over this with Black Hermione, but it seems that people don't know how to respect an author's work. It is very rude and disheartening.

I really don't care that the covers of the books specify that Harry and Hermione are white. Fanfiction, y'all, where anything can happen. Indian James Potter is one of those things! :)



Dear Harry,

This is quite possibly the thousandth time I've written you, and I want you to know that I am know officially worried. I miss you.

At first, I thought it was only me you were not responding to. Then, Hagrid, Hermione and Ron were all asking if you'd replied to me, and I knew that something wasn't right. Is it those horrid muggles of yours? If I were you, I'd be terrifying them with the prospect of magic, especially that Dudley. Just scream 'BABBITY RABBITY!' at the top of your lungs every time he comes near you. That would sound like a spell to a muggle, wouldn't it?

I've already confirmed this, but I'll say it again; my brother is obsessed with you. All he's done since we left school was talk about you! You should hear him - 'Stupid Harry Potter with his stupid scar and stupid broomstick. Why does everyone like him so much? I'm better than him, hur dur dur!'. He's actually quite jealous of you, since you have so many friends but denied his friendship last year. Trust me, Draco doesn't hate you. He really wants to be your friend, but he knows you'd never accept him with the massive prat he is. Of course, I don't advise you to give in and be nice to him. No, let him figure out that if he acts kindly towards people, people will want to be his friend in return.

I can't think of much else to write. I don't even know why I just babbled on about Draco and your muggles when I know you won't respond. I demand a full explanation in September, Harry Potter, and if I find out those muggles have mistreated you in any way...

Let's just say, I could potentially turn Dudley into a full pig rather than give him a snout. After all, it's still acceptable for me to be at my 'accidental' magic stage.

I love you!
Aludra xxx

P.S. I meant that in a purely platonic way.

P.P.S I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON! HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY, HARRY, AND I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT! Can we settle it over a Chocolate Frog card trade on the Hogwarts Express?

"Alright, that's Neville, Hermione, Tonks, Ron and Harry done..." Aludra said aloud to herself. There would be no need to write to Fay - she would be coming over for a week tomorrow. Aludra checked that Marius knew the correct route to everyone's house and instructed him to nip Ron on the finger if he didn't feed him a treat. Then, she strapped the letters to him and watched as he flew off into the setting sun. However, as Marius went away, a tiny, grey dot was coming nearer and nearer, until it barrelled right into Aludra's face.

She stumbled backwards with a muffled shriek, prying the creature off of her face and discovering that it was the Weasley's family owl, Errol. "Why do they keep on sending you on these trips? You're so old, you can barely fly!" Aludra exclaimed. She gently placed the little owl on her bed, taking the scroll attached to his foot and unravelling it.


My brothers and I are busting Harry out of Surrey. Mum and Dad said that if he didn't respond by next week, they'd go and see about him. I don't think we should wait that long, though, because he may have already been expelled by then. My dad works at the Ministry, and he told me that Harry used magic outside of school and if he does it again, he'll get kicked out. Fred, George and I are going tonight - wish us luck.

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