Why competitions is a good thing

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After a while of discussing, both teams found it proper to declare the war.

The girls ran into the woods splitting up. They never used to play this in the woods, but they never said anything about not walking into the woods so no rules were broken. Usually, they only played this on the schoolyard making it quite easy Never have they ever played in such large areas. This caused the boys to confusion. Even Gilbert didn't at all see this coming.

"What do we do now?"

Asked an as confused Moody who stood with a perfectly made snowball in his left hand. Shocking that he actually thought of throwing it with his left arm since he was right-handed. He was surely the weakest in their team considering his usefulness.

"We take them down man to man. One snowball and they are out"

Billy said.

"Or man to woman or whatever"

He babbled also confused by his own words.

"I'll take Diana!"

Said Fred and hurried into the woods from were he had last seen her.

"I guess I take Jane"

Blurted Charlie out and also he hurried out to the woods.

"I follow Anne"

Gilbert said and took off he as well. She would last the longest Gilbert thought to himself. She was practically the leader. He enjoyed watching those qualities in her. She was so strong and independent. She needed no man to provide for her and he knew that perfectly well.

Anne, however, ran as fast as she could. Some of the snow had melted away after the big snowstorm but much was still left. Only the mentioning of the snowstorm made her blush.

She had let Gilbert sleep in her bed when she had nightmares and she woke up on his chest. Strangely all she could feel that night was how incredibly caring Gilbert truly was. He was always there. No matter situation and no matter the situation he himself was in, he was always there for her and it was an underestimation to say that she loved that about him so much. She fancied she envied, she adored, she admired him. But that was simply because she was dizzy from being so sick. The flu mixed with her head for sure. It almost sounded like she was in love with him and that must be a mistake! It was a mistake. But the only one she was trying to convince was herself.

Anne prepared a snowball in her hand to be sure if someone sneaked up on her. She knew Gilbert would come after her and that was the whole plan.

Gilbert was for sure the strongest athletes of all the boys and that was why they had to separate him from the others. Gilbert was also a bit to smarter than the other boys. Their plan was after all to use their weakness and for Gilbert, it was clear: Anne.

Even if she hated to admit it she knew it was true. Anne looked over her shoulder to find Gilbert only a few yards behind her. Jackpot!

But as the stubbornness Anne was born with she was not the one to give up easily and therefore raised her pace to make it harder for Gilbert to catch up. No matter how fast Anne ran, however, it was unavoidable that the much stronger and faster Mr. Blythe would catch up in due course. Anne looked back at the exact moment Gilbert was about to catch her and it causes her to stumble over a large stone half hidden in the snow. Together they both landed on the ground, Gilbert on top of Anne as she had turned around in the air unaware to grab him with her down the fall. She breathed heavily from the long and very exhausting run.

Gilbert's face was only centimeters from hers and he looked her straight in the eyes, almost paralyzed. His gaze switched constantly from her eyes to her lips and an expected blush entered her face. Gilbert before playful grin was no were to be seen. All she could see in his whole face was...Passion...Adoration. Saying that it warmed her heart was an understatement.

some things are just meant to be Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant