Nine | Real life - flashback

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It was the first day. You'd transferred to a college located in inner Bristol. You were stood in front of your full length mirror, scrutinising every thread of clothing on your body. It was the first day back after summer break, and year two of college - so everyone would know each other, you were at such a disadvantage. Your mum had fought hard to get your transfer accepted this late in the courses, and she'd been successful, so here you were. You hadn't had the best college experience, and were eager to start fresh somewhere else far enough away - in order to make new friends and get the most out of your subject choices. 


You heard the car pull away behind you, the gravel under its tyres crunching noisily. And breathe. You tell yourself, your legs instinctively walking up the college steps, toward a set of double doors. Once inside there were people everywhere, some stood talking in groups and others making their way this way and that. But each had their bearings, which was more than could be said for you. A bell suddenly rings, which causes those who had been stationary to pick up their bags and belongings and walk off. You observed that most people were heading to the left, so naturally you follow the crowd. 


"You alright? I haven't seen you before, you new?" Asks a pretty, bright eyed brunette. "I, I don't know where I'm going. First day". You manage to explain. "I gotchu, what's your tutor room?" "D7" "Hey! We're in the same tutor. We have Miss Matterson. She's an acquired taste but you'll get used to it". After some meaningless small-talk about subject choices, music taste and the like, you find yourself stood outside a closed door. The girl, who you now knew to be Jess, knocks on it. Footsteps can be heard on the other side, the door opens abruptly. "You're late". A middle aged woman with thick rimmed glasses is stood staring at you. "And I take it you're y/f/n? I'll let you off this week, but after that do not be late again". She shakes your hand in a regimental way and points to three empty seats in the middle of the rows of desks. You make your way over to the vacant chairs and sit down in the first one you come to. You can feel about twenty pairs of eyes glued to you, which whilst making you extremely self conscious is also kind of exhilarating. 


Miss Matterson started going through the weeks breakdown; assembly times, notices, fire drill etc, when the classroom door opens and a tall, dark haired boy stands in the doorway. He's wearing pitch black shades even though he's indoors, and chewing gum, cool as you like. You realised this was all part of his look. It was a good look. The class falls silent, most of them turn to look from him, and then peculiarly to you. "Someone should tell her". "Oh god". "You tell her". "No it's too late now." Two girls behind you converse in a hushed whisper. The guy makes his way across the classroom, very slowly. He has a distinctive walk, his shoulders back, legs quite wide apart, his whole body leaning backwards ever so slightly. It's not until he's at the end of your row of seats that the silence is broken again. "Mr Gallagher must I constantly remind you when tutor starts. It's eight forty, not", she glances up at the clock, "eight fifty-seven". "A'ight Miss M". The boy replies, not even bothering to look up at her. To your absolute horror the intriguing stranger stops right next to you and leans forward so that one hand is on the desk in front of you and the other is holding the top rim of the seat you're sat in. Every single person is transfixed on the two of you. You could've heard a pin drop. "You 'appen to be in my seat love". He says, with a faint hint of amusement in his voice - which happened to be just as distinctive as his walk. What was that accent? Brummie? Essex? No wait. "Manchester". You say whilst a hand flies to cover your mouth. Oh crap. That was not meant to be out loud. He smirks and lets out a little chuckle, "Mancunian". He corrects. "Oh your seat, shit sorry". You say whilst standing up. "Language!" Your teacher scolds. "Oh fuck yeah". You say startled. "What did I just say?!" Your teacher warns, a slight smile on her face. The class laugh, but no one dares speak or look away from the accidental showdown you found yourself in. "S'aight babe, I'll sit 'ere". He says whilst moving behind you. He plonks himself down and rocks backwards on the seat next to you. "I like you, you're funny". He takes off his sunglasses and puts one of the plastic arms between his teeth, twizzling it. "Whats yer name?" He asks whilst his gaze rests on your lips. "Y/n, you?" you reply, your voice breaking slightly. "Liam. Liam Gallagher". He says, with a quick wink, before turning to face the front of the classroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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