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Liam 🖤

Babe what was that about on the bus? Are we okay like? X


I don't know Liam you tell me

Liam 🖤

Tell you what? Y/n talk to me X


I defended you of course, but some girls were talking earlier, about you and saying shit like I'm just one of three girls you're shagging

Liam 🖤

Are you havin' a fuckin' wind up babe

Y'know I'd never fuck you over

Jesus Christ if that's what you think of me

Do you?!

Fucking hell babe

C'mon X


I know I know, it's pathetic but I mean if you heard a group of people talking about me like that you'd surely freak out

A little bit?

Liam 🖤

No you daft nutter

I'd tell them where to fuckin' shove it, and you know that

We're solid you and me X


Yeah, I know that really xx

I'm sorry ❤️

It just made me sick, the thought that it might be true

You know?

Liam 🖤

I get that babe, but 'ave I ever treated you bad? X

I've never once even considered messagin' any other lasses, let alone gettin' the leg up with one X

You silly twat. I love YOUS ❤️❤️


No you haven't xx

I'm sorry, but you've gotta understand you've got a reputation

Quite the reputation

You may not have done anything yet but you were so different before me, I can't help but dread the day you inevitably get bored and go back to your old ways xx

Liam 🖤


Are you at home?



Liam 🖤

I'm comin' over a'ight X

I'm not havin' you thinkin' things that are utter bollocks

See yous in a few.

Liam Gallagher | Soon Come TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now