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@liamgallagher me missus is unreal

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@liamgallagher me missus is unreal

457 likes / 21 comments

y/u/n Liammm stop ohmigod 😅

noelgallagher our kids gone soft @y/u/n what've you done to 'im

y/u/n hahaha, no clue @noelgallagher 🤷🏼‍♀️

liamgallagher @noelgallagher just appreciatin' my bird innit

y/u/n I love you ❤️ @liamgallagher

noelgallagher get a room ✊🏼

liamgallagher ❤️🖤 @y/u/n

noelgallagher but forreal @y/u/n our Liam's seriously punching

mAtT @y/u/n looking finee 👀 can't wait for tonightt

y/u/n noely Gallagher 🧡 @noelgallagher

liamgallagher fuck off you prick @noelgallagher reckon yous are just jealous

liamgallagher @mAtT what part of GET TO FUCK can you not understand. You're fuckin' embarrassing pal

y/u/n oh here we go...

y/u/n I love you @mAtT but you do need to learn when to leave off with provoking the situation. Aka right now

noelgallagher @mAtT I don't know you kid but it's just 'aving a bit o' respect like

mAtT @liamgallagher @noelgallagher ladies are we quite finished? 😂 the big bad brothers have spoken, guess I'll go and cry now

y/u/n @mAtT at this rate I think I'll just stay in, youre being ridiculous, even I'll tell you that at this point

liamgallagher @mAtT get off my fuckin' account you twat. I'd block you but then you wouldn't be reminded that y/n is mine whenever you 'ave a scroll. GET TO FUCK.

noelgallagher @liamgallagher and what if I am a little jealous, she's yours an' everyone knows it kid

liamgallagher some people need remindin' is all @noelgallagher @mAtT

y/u/n 🙄🙄🙄

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