Chapter 23: I crash an ice plie dancer

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"What favour did you ask?" I glanced up at him and he gave me an amused smile, "I asked for his range rover for a few days since my BMW was brutally damaged."

I was going to ask him how, when epiphany dawned on me and I winced. Max nodded bemusingly. I had crashed his car.

I glanced at him and gave him a sheepish grin, "it wasn't my fault."

He scoffed at that. Therefore, I told him what actually happened. And I was once again graced by his beautiful heart-warming laughter. Before he could open his mouth, someone approached him.

"Maxwell wester. How pleasant to meet you here." A man in an expensive pinstriped three-piece suit greeted.

"Mr Holster, the pleasure is all mine." Max replied warmly while shaking his hand.

He then turned to me and placed an arm around my waist, "this is crystal winget. Crystal, this is Mr Holster. He owns the holster enterprises." I greeted him and shook his hand.

"Maxwell, you should join us. We were just talking about how Nassau County has a potential to develop." Mr Holster said. Maxwell glanced at me questioningly.

"Oh, your girlfriend could join us too." Mr Holster spoke up.

I quickly responded, "I am not his girlfriend. I am actually Brad Gartlet's stepdaughter."

Mr Holster's whole demeanour changed at that. His eyes sparkled in joy and he shook my hand again, "oh a future lawyer in making!"

"No, a psychologist in making." I softly told him.

Some of the sparkle in his eyes dimmed. I was aware that psychologist was not a rich girl occupation and that is exactly the reason why he was not so excited anymore.

"Which college are you thinking about?" he asked me still trying to be enthusiastic.

"I had a full scholarship offer to Yale. But I thought it would be better to finish highschool and then re-apply. " I smiled at him. It wasn't entirely untrue. I was forced to drop the college deal because mom was scared for me.

Max was looking at me awestruck and even Mr Holster looked extremely impressed.

"By all means dear! Please join us. You must know everything about how to convince the masses. Ah, brad is such a lucky man!" Mr Holster gushed.

I was certainly basking in his praise. The scholarship was all my hard work and passion.

"I would Mr Holster but my mom is asking for me. Thanks for the invite though." I told them.

Max smiled at me before walking off with Mr Holster. He glanced back at me one last time before being engulfed in a group of influential businesspersons. My mom approached me with a hot model in tow.

"Crystal, this is Aziz Hussain. And Aziz, she's my daughter crystal winget." Mom made the introductions.

The guy was exotically handsome. He had jet black hair jelled in a fashionable hairstyle. A light amount of stubble covered his square sharp jawline. His sharp dark eyes glittered as he smiled.

"Aziz Hussain is the one I was talking to you about this morning. They own the Hussain industries." Mom told me while she gave me a look that made it clear that I was supposed to behave.

I smiled at him brightly, not that it was hard to do so. He was exceptionally god like.

"I am so glad to meet you Mr Hussain. I have heard a lot about you." I told him as I extended my hand, palm down.

He took hold of my hand and pressed his lips softly to the back of my hand, "I reciprocate your feelings Ms winget."

He stroked the back of my hand once with his thumb before releasing me. I discreetly glanced at mom with panicky eyes. 

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