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Hey I was tagged by someone so I'm obligated to give 10 facts about me that are true other than the obvious that I love anime.

1. My favorite item I own is my signed Taylor Swift T Shirt

2. I wanna be a singer

3. I have 2 cats Smokey and Meredith my other one died

4. My favorite anime is either SAO or Fairytail

5. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift (kinda obvious right)

6. I fell off 19 feet water tower with my best friend and lived to tell the tale. I landed on my car and only had minor injuries (them being me breaking 3 of my ribs and 7 bones in each arm and leg)

7. I'll turn 25 on August 9th

8. My cat's full name is Doctor Meredith Gray, Charcoal Smokey for my other

9. I have a sister and two step brothers

10. I'm part Australian my dad is Australian

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