Assassins at School

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Natasha walks into school wearing a skirt and a nice shirt, Clint walks into school wearing khaki pants and a nicer shirt. Once they step in, they turn there selves into Britney Smith, a not very intelligent but bubbly girl, and Clint turning into Chris. The hall ways are covered with people, and some stop and turn to stare at Natasha. She continues smiling. Out of no where a boy walks up to her, 

"Whats you name, beautiful," Natasha internally scoffs and wants to punch the guy in the face. Instead she smiles more and tries to bring her voice up a couple octaves, 

"My name is Britney Smith. I'm new here, what's your name,"  The man smirks, 

"I'm Flash Thompson," In Natasha's mind the world seems to stop, she has to pretend to like this guy. But instead she says, 

"Nice to meet you. Can you show me to the History room?" Flash smiles and nods, 

"That's my next class to, follow me," Natasha internally sighs and thinks to herself, I hope I don't have to do this very long. 

Meanwhile Clint aka Chris Ritter walks down the hall way in the opposite direction of Natasha. Out of the corner of his eye he sees two guys talking about Spider-Man. One guy has brown hair and the other has blackish hair. Clint looks down at his schedule, Math. He walks over to the two guys talking about Spider-Man. 

"Um, I'm new here, would you be able to show me where math is," The brown haired buy looks slightly confused but then says, 

"Um yeah you can follow us, Math is our next class," Chris nods at the two. The guy that talked to him starts to walk in the direction of the room. 

"My name is Chris Ritter. What's your name," 

"My name is Peter Parker, and this is Ned Leeds," Clint pauses and thinks, So this is my best friend, he seems nice. And something about Peter's voice sounds fimiliar... Interesting. 

.......... Peter 

I feel my spidey sense tingle ever so slightly as I walk with Chris and Ned to out class. Something seems off about him, for one Chris doesn't look to much like a high school student, and two he sounds very similar to someone else, but I can't quite figure out who. Once we get into class Ned and I sit in the very back seats as we usually do, Chris following close behind us and sitting by Ned. 

"So what do you like to do?" Chris asks Peter and Ned. 

"I like legos." Ned says. 

"I like science and legos," I respond, "You?" Chris hesitates for a moment... Strange. 

"I like basketball,"  The teacher interrupts our conversation by telling us to open up our textbooks. Something is weird about Chris and have all the intentions to figure out what. 


Natasha sits in the middle of the room by Flash and his annoying friends. 

"All right, we have a new student today, if you would like to introduce yourself, Britney." 'Britney' stand up and smiles. 

"Hello, I'm Britney Smith, I moved here from Ohio this past weekend so now I go to this school. And I enjoy to dance and cheer," She then sits back down in her seat. 

"Thank you miss. Smith." The teacher says then proceeds with the lesson. After a boring lesson of pretending to be the dumbest person in the world, Natasha stands up and walks out of the class with Britney's new friends, Jenna, Taylor, and Flash, and Natasha secret enemies. A skinny kid with brown hair and another kid with black hair are walking with Clint. Natasha makes eye contact with him quick then concentrates on the conversation with Flash. 

"Yo Penis," Flash shouts causing Natasha to stop in her tracks. The guy walking with Clint turns around. Don't punch him don't punch him, Natasha tells herself. "Did you and Ned have a fun time playing with legos this weekend?" His group laughs and I force myself to join. 

"So I see you found yet another girl friend, good thing she is new she doesn't now what a jerk you really are,  Flash," The boy responds. Natasha tries to ignore his comment and not laugh at Flash's face. I smirk but quickly cover it up by putting a hand on Flash's arm. 

"Hey, don't worry about him. Your to good for him," Flash hesitantly continues walking. 


"Yo Penis," I turn around to look at Flash. Surprisingly he is with another girl I don't recognize. That's really weird "Did you and Ned have a fun time playing with legos this weekend?" His group laughs. I frown but decide to respond to see what the girls reaction is. 

"So I see you found yet another girl friend, good thing she is new she doesn't now what a jerk you really are, Flash," I respond. I see the girl smirk a little at my comment but then quickly turn it into a frown and leads Flash away from us. Something is definitely up. 

The rest of the day continues smoothly, Clint and Natasha are able to keep their cover and not slip up on anything, even though it did take all the power in Natasha no to punch Flash in the face. At the end of the day Flash invited Britney to his decathlon meet. Natasha soon notices  decathlon is like the thing to be in here... Interesting. From what Britney was able to find out about Flash, he is also athletic. But he is a bully, and stuck up and annoying. Natasha doesn't like people like that. After Natasha walks a couple blocks she meets up with Clint. 

"So how was your day Katniss?" I ask smirking. 

"It was fine, hey you know that Peter kid, the one Flash was picking on? I seem to recognizes him from somewhere, but I don't know where? Any ideas?" Natasha thinks for a while then shakes her head. 

"I want to murder that boy." Clint laughs and gives me a side hug. 

"Notice anybody that could be Loki?" Clint asks. 

"No, not yet." Natasha respond. The two walk back to the tower talking about random things. This mission will be very interesting. 


A/N If you have anything you want the Avengers to do in high school let me know and I will try to fit it in with the plot. Thanks for reading, 


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