Chapter 11

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Isekai: Vongola Style

Chapter 11

Author's Note: Thank you for following the series so far! Feel free to comment along the way.

Many thanks to my lovely beta readers – Skitty & Hibi! <3

On with the story.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<



Before the brunet could register what was happening, he was tackled onto the ground. Disoriented but happy to indulge the children, the young Vongola boss looked around only to find his room more crowded than he remembered. All his guardians were back and Lambo had returned to his five-year-old self.

Reborn was nowhere to be found but Tsuna knew that he must be nearby. Hibari immediately took his leave. Tsuna caught sight of a white fluffy bunny buried in his shirt but said nothing about it. The prefect must be worried about Hibird after all.

Ryohei excused himself in the same extreme manner and ran back home to check on Kyoko. Yamamoto called his dad immediately and Tsuna watched as Mukuro fall into a trance, most likely establishing contact with Chrome. Bianchi barged into the room when she heard the kids cry. On seeing her brother, the woman hugged Gokudera tightly, causing the bomber to turn green. While the pink-haired cook interrogated her brother for details, Tsuna was busy consoling the kids and answering their questions. Fuuta seemed particularly interested in ranking the strength of the creatures they fought.

The warm reunion was cut short when Reborn kicked Tsuna in the head. The brunet yelped in surprise. The kick didn't hurt as much as it should and Tsuna understood that it was Reborn's way of showing his concern. Though it wasn't obvious, Tsuna spotted a glint of what resembled guilt in those onyx eyes. His tutor was feeling responsible for what happened and Tsuna felt his heart melt.

"Hey Reborn," he smiled. "Sorry it took this long. We tried to get back as soon as possible."

The Sun Arcobaleno tipped his fedora. "If it took you this long, you need more training, Dame Tsuna."

The young Vongola grinned. Normally, the promise of training would have him cowering in fear. However, after going through some really crazy things, he would gladly take on Reborn's training any day.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. The Varia are paying a visit next week, be prepared. I expect you to be in shape by then."

With that, the devil left and Tsuna bemoaned his fate.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The End

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I will be writing a Web Novel, more details under announcement section on my Wattpad account. Also, do check out my new novel The Liberal Assassin by Destiny Aitsuji on Kindle!

Until next time, ciao <3

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