Feelings of guilt

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I met piya in the forest when she first came to deradoon but i never got a good look at her the second time i met piya was when she went to mishas party for her dad and i met her in the forest she looked like maithlii but because of the love i had for maithlii i hated every woman piya included so i scared her it wasn't the first time either i hurt piya to protect her but in our arguements i never realised how much i loved her.

Until we started the romeo and juliet play even then i refused to acknowledge my love for her but whenever i looked in piyas face and in her eyes i saw how much she loved me but i didnt want to bring her into my cursed life.

So everytime i hurt her it hurt me inside when she cried i never understood why as i was a vampire a heartless demon how could i love a human everytime me and piya seperated but everytime fate brought us together i never knew why fate was bringing a vampire and human together it was un natural but it was only until danish and then my brother siddharth started to endangering piyas life that i knew how much she meant to me and when siddharth introduced mathlii to piya i felt how scared she was and how it shocked her but i was unaware of piyas life in danger its only until she mindlinked me that maithlii was back that i went to save piya.

Piya was so brave even in a potentially life threatening situation she ran and saved her sisters from maithliis control but again piya was in danger when i got to maithlii she bound me to the icey grave
Until true love warmed my dead cold heart and maithlii thought she was going to free me so before i turned to ice i cleaned all of piyas memories and made her unconcious then i put a protective amulate on piyas neck to protect her if i wasnt around i lay there in the ice for a year with piyas memories as a surviving tool then a year past and i felt piyas presence and my heart called out for her i think she heard me next thing i knew her presence was near and when she needed me i mind linked her and helped her.

until one day the ice cracked and piya fell in with me i grabbed her arms to support her at that time she touched my chest and healed and broke the curse maithlii put on me that day my life was her property when i turned human i proposed to her and inside i was nervous but when she said yes my heart exploded with happiness in that week alot happend she was kidnapped by jai her dad wanted his soul back i was ready to give my soul even if it meant i lose piya but in the end me and papa dobrial where given freedom me and piya  got married it was a huge function with dancing and singing but untill i saw piya to me the party was fruitless .

When i saw piya in her shaadi ka joda (wedding dress) i was left stunned she looked so beautiful after we did our wedding rituals me and piya had our first dance and misha dared us to kiss piya got shy her natural blush made her look even more beautiful and here i am 11 years on and i still fall in love with piya everytime she blushes a bright pink and when she doesn't i make her blush i am so greatful to god for making me human again and making piya come into my life and light it up.piya still looks the same as she did in college she does yoga and morning jogs to maintain her figure even after we have teenage children she never fails to inspire me to keep fit me and siddharth have boxing matches in the PSS studio and health center we built when our daughters and siddharth  were born and ever since then me and my son Siddharth made it our regular training spot my daughters panchi and sugand join to watch the  match and being teenager they annoy there big brother too much and just like papa  dobrial they are very close to me  somtimes piya gets jealous  and i like to take her jealousy and make it something good.

i love when she get annoyed  because then piya doesnt want cook for me but she wiĺ cook for the kids and when the afternoon comes  i go into the kitchen and cook for piya  and she smiles the cooks all know our love story so they dont say much they love piya because of her sweetness and consideration for others also piya has never missed a karwa chauth (hindu women and some rare men fast until the moon shows to  make sure there husbands or wives have a long life).

After piya loseing me and me almost loseing piya i also fast with her every single one of our college freinds  used to say me and piya were/are the perfect couple and i think we lived upto our romantic title kabir and me are  best buddies  even though we started out as enermies even our enermy started out because kabir loved piya and so did i he wanted  to protect piya just like me but being young we were both hot headed but as we matured  we became frenamies then we became best freinds  a couple of times me angad and kabir went to the bar and got drunk  well kabir and angad have and i never drank too much maybe one two glasses of Champaign  but thats it even then when we got home  ruhi had her sandal  ready for angad  and misha scared kabir  with just lookes but piya she never showed how angry she was until kabir and angad left only then  did i get an earful in our room and after i was sent to sleep on couch in the drawing room but even as a human i still feel piyas emotions  she would be sad and about midnight she would wake me and i was forgiven.

I  understand how much piya loves me its still the same after  eleven years and i am ever greatful to god for  pairing us up i can never see my life without piya and god forbid of something happens to piya  i will be finished inside piyas my love and life shes the mother of my kids and my soulmate without her i am nothing  abhay without piya is nothing and piya without abhay  is incomplete   may god never seperate us we have been through hell to become one .

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