Chapter 11

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7 white suited men armed with plastic guns and batons strode up the corridor, "Patient A751, you will be detained if you fail to comply with our orders,” one droned on, the stood in a V formation pointing at me. They each pulled the guns up and aimed them at various points on my body. Ava..

 “Do you boys know what the melting point of plastic is? It depends on the plastic you see it can vary between 120 to 180 °C and I’m guessing you have a pretty tough plastic casing for those guns and bullets,” I put my head down, boiling the air around me, making a heated bubble of fire ready to push forward, “I’m guessing the plastics not tough enough!” I threw the bubble forward with all the might I had in me, burning the men and their weapons. They screamed and tried to fire at me only to hit more fire and heat. They yelled and ran into to each other to escape it but to no avail. I could only stand and watch my handy-work from the edge of the corridor. Ava go to the others, you need to protect them…

“Ava…” I heard someone scream my name from behind me. I turned searching for the voice to see Emmie being dragged off by men in suits. Emmie! We need to go after her!

 “No, it’s a tr—“ Eli pushed forward.

Eli’s P.O.V

I sprinted down the corridor, trying to keep up with the suits but I’d lost them. I stood there in a corridor I had never seen before, lost in the dark. The light kept flickering on and off above me. I felt like the next victim in a horror movie.. In the corners of my eyes I kept seeing movement around me, causing me to switch my position to face different directions every few seconds. My head was starting to spin as I was moving constantly. My breathing became more erratic. My muscled tightened with adrenaline and fear.“Eli, you came back for me!” Emmie ran out from the dark, hugging me. I was nearly in tears as she hugged me. Something gnawed at the back of mind, this wasn’t right. Emmie never hugged me unless I forced her to. I pushed her away from me, tumbling backwards. “You shouldn’t have followed me, Eli,” Emmie’s figure and features contorted and twisted until the entire form changed into Jessica’s. She pulled out a knife and jabbed me in the ribs, I felt a tough crack as she pulled the knife out. I couldn’t breathe. My visions was going. My body refused to shift, I just laid there as a pool of my own blood gathered around me. “Well done, patient 466,” A man in white became visible as the lights flashed on. “Here is your reward,” He stuck a needle into her arms, she screamed clearly he had gone back on a deal they had made for my murder. Her body smacked down on my legs, I hoped for her sake she was dead. The suit knelt down over me; a few inches above my head. Her grinned and a set of gleaming shark teeth protruded from his gums. “Time for lunch!”I shook my body about as I tried to escape his hands clamping down over my arms, with what little air I had in my lungs I screamed. The scream echoed and made the knife wound burn like nothing I had ever felt before. Ava wasn’t there, she wasn’t there to protect me. “Don’t think Ava will save you, the knife was laced with a drug that stunts an anti-humans power and makes you…well human,” He began to laugh through his teeth, spit and got knows what spewed out from his mouth as he did. He dug his finger into my wound, I let out a soundless scream. The pain was excruciating. My eyes were drooping. I was losing consciousness. He continued to laugh until a blunt object silenced him, he over my chest.

“ELI!?” A familiar voice cried.

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