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Mukuro Rokudo X Fem!Reader

Someone once said that the greatest distance in love, isn't between the living and the dead but when I'm right in front of you, yet you are oblivious that I love you.

Three years. You've been with what others call a demon for three years and yet, there is still no title for the relationship between both of you. Acquaintance? Friends? Couples? Lovers? He has never mentioned anything about moving on to the next stage. Heck, you don't even have a single clue as to which stage you were on. Was that kindness shown by him? Was he waiting till you were ready to move to the next stage? ...What rubbish. A demon doesn't know "kindness" nor show it.

Convincing yourself on that point wasn't hard seeing as to how he has always treated you. Pushing you aside and ignoring you when he doesn't require anything from you. Becoming all sweet and suave when he has needs to be fulfilled. You would gladly complete all of them though. Throwing away your life could be also something you would do, if he'd really wanted it. Despite all of that, there was nothing in your eyes but trust placed in him even though tons of people warned you about his betraying nature. So was this also all part of his plans as well?

Tied up to a chair in an empty warehouse, seated right in the middle of the dark emptiness was you. Just that the warehouse was not really empty. As the clicking of that man's shoes when it hits the ground approached, you begin to start fearing. He was armed for sure, that fat, bald, creepy man that was supposingly your target to spy on. An enemy of the Vongola. His voice echoed once again in your head. A personal enemy of his, merely in common. What were your orders again? Infiltrate and gather information, was it? Well, you've reached a new record for yourself and failed that mission easily enough. Just one minor mistake and you were singled out and captured in front of the entire enemy's base camp. How embarrassing as to someone of your status, someone who stood next to the Vongola's untouchable mist guardian.

"Now, you'll be a good girl, won't you?" His face approached yours and he smirked, showing off the rotten yellow teeth that he has. His breath stunk of the stench of cigarette and his eyes, his dark brown irises shone in excitement at his wonderful plan. Capturing your cheeks in one hand, he squeezed it making your lips pucker out a little. "How foolish is he? That young yet mighty and powerful Vongola decimo? Letting someone as weak as you to try and infiltrate us! Let me tell you, little lady, you stood no chance from the moment you took on the mission. You don't even have flames to fight us with! Hahaha! What a joke! Are the Vongola all so wea- Aargh!" The disgusting man cried out on surprise in the middle of his speech as you bit down as hard as you could on the chunk of meat between his right chubby thumb and index finger.

A tight pain came rolling off your right cheek as a surprised tear of fear rolled down by accident. You didn't mean to show how weak you were. You didn't want to cause him any more problem. The man took out his brown handkerchief and wiped his left hand; the hand which you were struck with as if he had touched filth. "They," A flash of luscious purplish-blue hair. "the Vongola," Another flash of hetrochrometic eyes. "aren't weak." A familiar smirk. "You are." You spit out the coppery taste liquid in your mouth, his filthy blood from when you bit him, and your own from when you were hit towards his face, in hopes of temporary blinding his eyes. It landed short, unfortunately, all over his chin and top. His eyes widened in fury and his face turned red from all the blood rushing up. As he lifted his hand up to give you another slap, the door to the dark warehouse slammed open and broke off its hinges, letting a burst of the moonlight flood the empty place.

"Kufufufu... I wouldn't suggest you do that, you insignificant imbecile." His sly, charming voice echoed off the empty four walls as you could literally see the shiver running down your captor's spine. In a blink, a piece of cold, hard metal was pressed hard against the side of your head. Glancing from the corner of your eye, you slowly pieced together the information and concluded that it was a gun pointed to your head.

You weren't panicking like you usually would when training with Ken and Chikusa. No. In fact, you felt calm. His presence had calm you down and made you forget about your nerves. As he strode closer, the man panicked and removed the weapon from your head and shakily point it towards the illusionist. With each step, the man's hand trembled more and more. At the point where the illusionist was just a few more steps away, you could see the man's finger which was on the trigger slowly start to draw back. Panic overwhelmed you and you threw your body which was tied to the chair with all your might towards the man.

In that moment of panic, you had somehow managed to pin that man down under the chair, and knocking the gun out of his hand. Shock and anger was written all over his face as he flailed wildly in an attempt to throw you off. His heart, knowing that flailing around is useless, made the last resort to escape. He pulled out a pocket knife and started swinging blindly around your vicinity. You could feel your heart beat faster as a swing approached your face and you closed your eyes.

"Mia cara, open your eyes. Everything is fine now." Following the instructions as you were told, you opened your eyes to see the tall illusionist loom over you. The shiny metal gleam on your left caught your attention as your eyes followed the trial of the handle down to where the start of the sides of the trident started. Crimson red liquid stained the flawless, shining metal. Trailing your eyes down even further, you saw a chubby hand, and the tip of the trident impaled right in the middle of the hand. Glancing up at the man's face, it was twisted into look of nightmarish horror. His mouth was wide agape, as if letting out a last silent scream. He... was no longer breathing. His chest where you and the chair was resting on, was no longer rising nor falling. His death ended in an instant. Fated from the moment you got caught, executed from the moment he dared lay his filthy hands on you.

"Next time if such a thing happens again, don't hesitate to call for me, you hear me? You, (name), are mine. I won't allow such a pig to ever touch you again." Silently chuckling inside, you knew that whatever title that you were given, doesn't matter. All that matters, was that you solely belong to him, the love of your life.

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