That Damn Smile

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Cas muttered to himself as he shuffled around his room, his dark hair discheveled and his eyes wide, almost like he had just seen a ghost.

He had this all planned out, but of course it didn't go his way. With the luck he had, nothing ever did. Being late today was the worst thing that could happen.

His hands pushed through stacks of books, clothing, and old school papers, " three minutes, hon! " his mother called out from the first floor of their home. He made a light, frustrated sound as he kicked a few things out of his way. He reached into a pile and his hand clamped around what he was looking for. A smile formed on his face, showing off the crinkles on the outside of his baby blue eyes, " putting on my shoes! " he called back down to his mother.

After only a few tugs, the shoes were free. He tossed them behind him and backed up, closing the double doors of his closet with a strong shove. With that, his room was spotless again. The shoes were the only things that sat on his floor without a place.

Cas grabbed the shoes in one hand and practically flew out of his room and down the stairs, tugging them on as he went. He came to a fast halt when his mother stood in between him and the front door. She smiled warmly, flaunting the same eye wrinkles and blue eyes. She reached out in attempt to smooth his hair down, but he simply swatted her hand away. " I'm late. " he said, quickly sending an apologetic grin her way as he reached behind her and grabbed his backpack from beside the door. He gently moved passed her, planting a quick kiss on her temple as he opened the door and left the house, sprinting down the street to the stop sign his bus had already pulled up to. 

As Cas got onto the bus and slipped into his usual seat, he smoothed his hair down and set his backpack on his lap. The girl he shared his seat with poked Cas gently on the side, making his eyes dart over to her, " well happy first day, Mr. Senior. " she teased. He grinned and scanned over the girl, " you'll be in my shoes soon enough, Jess. " he reminded the small blonde with a joking roll of his eyes.

The bus slowly rolled up to Lehman High School, and as Cas slipped his backpack over his shoulders he began to think. Why would someone choose Texas over all the other states and places in the world? It was over Cas's head. But, even more confusing, why someone would chose Kyle, Texas was insane. It wasn't anything special, a small town with 4 or 5 restaurants and too much farmland. He stepped off of the bus with Jess and they walked into the school side by side, her hair flowing loosely over her shoulders. He started to veer off to the right, headed towards the schools office. Jess stopped him and pulled him into a gentle hug. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, " you'll be perfect. I'll see you on the bus later, " he assured her before planting a kiss on her cheek and watching her as she pulled away and began shuffling through the crowded halls. As she retreated, she turned around one last time to smile at him and call, " maybe he'll be cute! " making Cas grin and shake his head. Jess was like a little sister to him. He'd known her since she was three and they had always been connected at the hip. Seeing her walk down the halls on her first day of high school was like watching your kid walk for the first time, or so he guessed.

After a moment of watching Jess until she was no longer visible, he turned and continued into the office, the women at the front desk never looking away from her computer screen. " Castiel Novak? " she asked in a monotone voice, " yes ma'am, that's me, " he responded and pushed his hands awkwardly into his jean pockets. After a few clicks of the women's mouse, she stood up and walked away with a small hand motion telling Cas to stay. He looked around the office, trying to find something new about the dull room. There was nothing, per usual.

It took about 15 minutes of Cas wandering around the small room, too nervous to sit down, before the door attaching the office to the principles room opened and out stepped a man slightly taller than Cas. Freckles were peppered across his tanned skin, his eyes were a striking green, and his body was very clearly well-toned body underneath blue jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket. It took a moment for Cas to finally focus on the mans face, and when their eyes met, Cas could feel his heart slamming in his chest. " I'm Dean. " the man spoke with a low voice, his English accent light but still there. Then, he smiled. He smiled, and Cas felt his world drift away for a moment. That smile.. that damn smile. It was only the beginning of the end.

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