I Guess I'm Your Responsibility

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Cas still found himself staring at Dean, his lips parted slightly as he tried to find his words. " You're pretty, " was all he could force out, making Deans green eyes light up and his mouth open a bit, releasing a small chuckle. Cas was brought back from his trance at the sound of Deans amusement. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair, making it look like a mess once again, " I-I'm sorry.. " Cas stuttered, holding his hand out firmly for Dean to shake. Dean did just that, taking Cas's hand firmly and giving it a shake. They both let go and their hands dropped back to their sides. Dean was quiet for a moment before he pulled himself back to reality and arched his brow, " name? " He asked, chewing lightly on his lower lip as he looked over the slightly shorter man. He appeared small, but Dean could tell that he wasn't pale and weak. His skin was sun kissed and his arm muscles were shown off quite nicely underneath his tight fitting t-shirt.

Cas watched Dean's eyes move over him, and he found himself tuned out yet again. What a great first impression.

Dean cleared his throat after a few moments of silence, tilting his head curiously, making Cas realize he had never responded to Deans question. " Castiel. " He blurted out with raised brows, his breath hitching in his throat. " Castiel.. " Dean repeated, and just hearing his name roll off of the other's tongue with a hint of an accent was enough to send Cas six feet under, " that's a nice name. Everyone I've talked to has called you Mr. Novak, so I was intrigued, " he explained. " Were you let down? " Cas asked, finally bringing himself to stand tall and meet Deans gaze with as much confidence as he could muster. " Pardon? " Dean inquired, his brows knitting together and his green eyes narrowing. " My name. You said you were intrigued; was it good enough for you? " he explained, taking a small step back and turning slightly as he began towards the office door. " Sure.. " Dean responded with a chuckle as he followed Cas, his hands tucked loosely in his jackets pockets.

" Ok, Castiel Novak, " Dean started as the two of them moved down the empty halls together, towards Cas's first period which happened to be right beside Deans. " Tell me about yourself. " He finished, looking at the shorter man to his right as he walked. This was a question Cas didn't even have to think about, as he had been rehearsing it for the past two weeks. " Well, as you know, my name is Castiel, but you can call me Cas. It's just me, my mother, and my two cats in my house. My dad checked out before I could even remember him. My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird , and my favorite movie is definitely Romeo and Juliet, " Cas spoke quickly, his fingers fumbling with the hem of his shirt. He stopped at his class door, Dean stopping with him, " so you're a sap. Got it, " Dean joked lightly with a wink. Cas's face heated up and turned a light shade of crimson red, " yeah.. well. I'll meet you here when the bell rings. We have the same class next, " he mumbled, nodding to Dean as he turned on his heels and entered his class.

Dean watched Cas go with a light smirk playing on his lips. He found it amusing when girls became flustered over him, but he had never once seen it happen with a guy. He sighed lightly and turned to his right, taking a few steps to the closest door, walking in. He introduced himself to the class and he looked over everyones faces, sending sly smiles to the girls who swooned over his bad-boy exterior and light accent. He had no doubt in his mind that this year would be the best yet.

Castiel and Dean went through the school day meeting each other where they promised, and finally, it was time to go home. The two boys walked to Cas's bus together, Dean with a girl hooked at his side and Cas with a very shocked Jess at his. " I think I blessed you.. " she whispered to him, " how so? " Cas asked, chuckling lowly, " I said he might be cute. I think I undershot it a little bit. He's VERY cute, " her saying this earned a small elbow into the rib cage by Cas, but he still laughed. She wasn't wrong.

Dean said goodbye to the girl at his side and got on the bus, Cas and Jess following suit. Cas slid into his normal spot and Jess let Dean slide in beside him as she took the seat behind the two. Cas looked at Dean and arches his brow, " so.. " he began, " how was your first day? " he asked. Dean just shrugged, but his face had smirk plastered to it that scared Cas in a way. " What? " the smaller black haired boy asked. Dean raised his head to meet Cas's gaze, his emerald green eyes twinkling with mischief in the bright sun coming through the bus window. " I was just thinking.. " Dean started, leaning back in his seat, " I guess I'm your responsibility.. " he winked quickly at the very puzzled Cas. What did that even mean?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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