Part 4 - First Date

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Grayson's POV:

Ethan has been texting that guy from Six Flags non stop ever since we got back, which was 3 days ago. He said he was gonna give him a chance but I kind of don't want him to. This might sound selfish but I feel kind of lonely since all he does now is look at his phone. Like here we are at park together on a beautiful day, eating some ice cream but here he is just staring at his phone. I rolled my eyes as I looked ahead, watching everyone else have fun. I sighed as I threw my ice cream on the floor. I wasn't even hungry anymore. And before you tell me not to liter, relax it's ice cream. It'll melt. I heard Ethan giggle and I turned to look at him. He realized I was staring at him and looked back at me, slightly confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you like turn that off and actually hang out with me?" I spat. I didn't mean to sound so rude but I was kind of sick of it. For three fucking days, he's been ignoring me. Ethan didn't really say anything because just then, he got another message. "Fine. I'm gonna be playing basketball incase you need me, which I doubt you will," I told him. All I got back from him was a small "mhmm". I got up from the bench and walked over to the group of guys.

"Yo, what's up Grayson?" One of the guys, Aston, said.

"Nothing much. Hey, do you guys mind if I join you?" I asked. The guys shook their heads and welcomed me onto the court, all screaming and cheering as I walked onto the court.

"Grayson here is the best motherfucking basketball player I have ever seen!" Aston yells, earning more screams from the other guys.

"Woah, calm down now," I laughed. "I'm a little rusty so I'm not as good as I used to be," I told him. I quickly glanced at Ethan who was laughing at his phone screen. I felt my blood boil. If he wants to replace me, then so be it.


Hours had passed and we were still going strong. I want to say that we've been playing for a solid 2 and a half hours. It was extremely hot so I had taken my shirt off to feel cooler and was all sweaty and gross. While we were taking a break, I sat down on the grass, talking to one of the guys I was playing with as I took a sip of my water. I was trying to catch my breath when I felt somebody's cold hand grab my shoulder. Instantly, I knew who those cold hands belonged to. I turned over to look at Ethan, who looked pretty upset.

"Why did you leave without saying anything? I've been looking for you," He said, his voice a little calmer than I expected.

"I literally told you I was coming here to play basketball," I replied, trying to keep myself calm.

"When did you say such a thing?" He shot back. I rolled my eyes and got up, facing him.

"Look Ethan, you want to ignore me, go ahead. You want to waste your time talking to a stranger then by all means, go for it. You want to stay at home, then be my guest. But don't come and yell at me for wanting to have a little fun without you because you're gonna get me mad to the point where I'll yell back and we both know how those always end now don't we?" I said with a threatening voice. Which I did not mean to use by any means.

"Fine. I was just gonna tell you that I'm going on a date and I'm getting picked up by him," He told me. Of course he is.

"Fine. Go right ahead then," I said, pointing to the parking lot.

"Fine," He answered before stomping away. A couple minutes later, my heart dropped.

He had the keys to the house. Oh well, it was too late now I guess. I continued paying basketball for another half hour when we all decided it was time to go home. Of course, having no home at the moment, I saw Aston packing his stuff and I ran towards him, hoping he would let me tag along to whatever he was doing.

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