Part 18 - Perfectly Wrong

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Grayson's POV:

"Hey, are you Ethan's brother?" I heard as I felt a hand grab onto my shoulder. The loud music was making my head hurt even more than it has been. I turned around to look at who had grabbed me and my eyes grew wide. There's absolutely no way.

"Oh my god, how do you know?" I asked. I was shocked to be talking to none other than Ethan's idol and God. Shawn fucking Mendes. And the fact that he knew about Ethan is beyond me.

"Maybe because you look exactly like him," He answered. Okay, fair enough.

"Right how silly of me. Grayson, nice to meet you. Have you seen my brother? I know the chance is pretty slim due to everyone that's here, but his name is Ethan and- wait you already knew that. Anyway, someone called me a while ago saying he needed me?" I asked him, looking around the room. I had to find him.

"Yes, that was actually me. He's right over here. Follow me," Shawn says as he begins walking away. What the actual fuck. There's no way he's the one who called, is there? Ethan is definitely gonna freak. I got my phone out and took a picture of Shawn as he walking away, making sure to get the top half of my face on there as proof. After spotting Ethan against the counter, I rushed past him, eager to see if he was alright. When I reached him, he turned around, surprised and gave me the tightest hug he's ever given me. I hugged him back and kept asking what was wrong. Before I knew it, I felt my shirt getting wet and I look down to see Ethan crying his eyes out.

"Ethan? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked, running my hand through his hair. After a couple minutes of him sobbing, he looks up and wipes away his tears.

"A-Aidan... He-he cheated on m-m-me," He let out, hugging me tighter than before, if that was possible. Of course he's the reason why he's like this. Right after he told me, I began feeling my blood start to heat up, as I looked around the crowd trying to spot him.

"He did what?!"

"I walked in on him.... f-fucking some gi-rl.... in a r-room upstairs," He added. Needless to say, I was furious. I broke away from Ethan and looked around, seeing the stairs on the other side of the house. I made my way towards them, pushing everyone who was in my way, not caring about anything. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I saw a hallway with about 8 rooms. I began opening each of the doors, hoping to find him there. Most rooms were full of people smoking, having sex, sleeping, doing drugs and whatnot. I flung open the 7th door to see him in the bed, balls deep with some girl. But no, not just a random girl. Yup, you guessed it, the same girl from the movies and the park.

"Dude, what the fu-" I heard him shout before stopping once he saw me standing at the door. I kid you not, I saw pure fear in this man's eyes as I slammed the door, walking over to him slowly.

"What did I fucking tell you?" I said in a low voice as I reached the bed. He quickly grabbed a blanket to cover himself up, along with the girl, and I noticed he was trembling in fear. "I told you that if you were to ever hurt Ethan in the slightest way possible, I would hunt you down....." I began, now getting only inches away from his face. ".....I would kill you," I whispered into his face, taking joy in seeing how vulnerable he was. "Did I not?"

"P-please don't..." He whispered, holding his hands up in the air. I snickered as I ripped the blanket from them in one swift move. He gasped, not breaking eye contact. "I'm begging you....I-" His eyes pleading for forgiveness. 

"Not so tough now huh," I said, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him up from the bed, slamming him hard against the wall. I felt him struggle to breathe as I tightened my grip around him. "He walked in here and saw you, having sex with this whore. Now tell me, how do you think that made him feel?" I asked, watching his face as it began turning red. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything. I let go of him and he dropped to his knees, grabbing onto his throat and looking up to me. "Let me give you a little hint," I kicked him in the stomach, causing him to cough in pain. "He wasn't very happy,"

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