And.....more threats.

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(Y/N)POV:it has now being about a month since the last time they had any contact with us, its pretty strange that they just disappeared out of thin air, I know I should enjoy the peace that my family and I have at the moment but there is this gut feeling that tells me that whatever the hell is coming next is going to destroy us, I hope my gut feeling is wrong, I really do.

Logan: babe did you finish your make up.

(Y/N): yeah, are the kids ready??

Logan: yeah we are awaiting for you.

Cam: so where are we going dad.

Logan: so mommy and I have some business to attend but you guys will be staying wiht uncle George over at his house okay?

Jo: daddy why can't we go with uncle mark and aunt Kylie.

Logan: I know you guys want to play with Esteban but they are really busy, but knowing uncle George he will probably invite him over too.

(Y/N): so don't worry you guys will see him.

Ale:how long will you and daddy be gone.

Cam: yeah mom when are you guys coming back??

Logan: well it will hopefully only be three days.

(Y/N): yes it shouldn't be longer than that but I will FaceTime you guys every night before bed okay.

The kids: okay.

George: WELL WHO IS IT OMG IS MEEEEEEE!!!! (yells George once he walks in, Logan and (Y/N) hug him)

(Y/N) POV: after saying bye to the girls and explaining George their practice hours and eating and sleeping .....and also homework hours, well you get the point after explaining all of that to him, we leave, I don't think I have ever being away from my babies for so long but it's only three days or thats what I keep telling myself, over and over again, without realizing I guess I got lost in my mind but Logan stroking my hand brought me back, I turn to look at him and I see those beautiful blue eyes, and they re full of concern, I dont think i'll ever get tired of this man, I mean we have being married for quite some time, almost six years to be exact, but I feel like i'm falling deeper in love with him everyday, if thats even posible.

Logan: hey are you okay?

(Y/N): yeah its just with everything that happened with you know who, and I don't know ive just never being away from them for so long.

Logan: oh tell me about it, I remember last year when we sent cam to football camp, and you were just a mess.

(Y/N): (smacks his arm playfully)

Logan: hey! lets not get defensive but we both know its true.

(Y/N): I'm just worried.

Logan: I am worried too but trust me nothing bad will happen.

(Y/N)POV: those last words, he almost made me believe that everything was going to be fine but guess what, he could not have being more wrong, because the next day the moment I call George to say goodnight to my babies what is the first thing he tells me, ugh this woman, apparently my fathers wife gave cam a note at school and what did it say, omg the nerve.


 HI honey well i'm still waiting for my check lets not forget I can ruin you and your husband.

love daddy and step mommy .

oh the nerve I swear if I see her anytime I will choke and drag her through the mood, this bitch, one thing is talking to me and sending me threats but talking to my kids or even getting close to them, she is going to pay, oh hell nah.

(Y/N): I mean did.......... how come the security guards didn't see her? I mean......

Logan: honey do me a favor and please breath.

(Y/N): BREATH!!! BREATH!!!!!! yeah thats what i'll stop..... her breathing, I am going to punch her and then freaking beat her up and then.....

Logan: and then we will put her in jail because she broke the law.

(Y/N): oh no there will be more than one thing broken and those will be her bones once im done with her.

Logan: i'll call our lawyer and they will tell me what the hell happened leave it to me please just go take a relaxing bath and i'll handle it all please.

(Y/N): this are my kids we are talking about here you understand that right.

Logan: and they are also my kids, but for this things we have to use a cool head, don't get me wrong I am furious.

(Y/N): well that fury is sure as hell not showing.

Logan: (chuckles) nop but please just do as I said go take that bath i'll make a few calls, and then i'll join you in the bath how about that. (smirks)

(Y/N): you better tell me everything that they tell you on those calls.

Logan: you got it baby (winks).

During the phone call 

Logan: Jake.

Jake: yes brotha.

Logan: I need his phone number the man I told you to ask your team to investigate?

Jake: oh yeah whats up with him?

Logan: well the last message apparently didn't get through his thick skull so I might need to pay him a quick visit.

Jake: what happened this time?

Logan: apparently he talked to Cameron and gave him a note, threatening note, and I will not have crazy people like him around my kids.

Jake: oh the nerve of that bitch, whenever this "meeting" is taking place call me i'll go with you, no one will  mess with my nephew and nieces and get away with it, we'll make him understand don't worry.

Logan: oh yeah i'll make sure of it.

 I know guys it's being a while but to make up for such a long time since I last uploaded here are few episodes that will be coming out through the week I will post a new one tomorrow ,so be in the lookout ,i hope you can forgive me but I will do my best to upload more often. 

and don't forget if you are enjoying it so far please vote and comment.

Love you guys <3

Life beyond the Logang. (Logan Paul X reader) (Second book)Where stories live. Discover now